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Semester 2 everything

Yo tengo I have
el abuelo grandfather
la abuela grandmother
el bisabuelo great-grandfather
la bisabuela great-grandmother
el esposo husband
la esposa wife
el novio boyfriend
la novia girlfriend
el padre father
la madre mother
el padrastro stepfather
la madrastra stepmother
el hermano brother
la hermana sister
mayor older
menor younger
el hermanastro stepbrother
la hermanastra stepsister
el medio hermano half-brother
la media hermana half-sister
el hijo son
la hija daughter
el hijo único only son
la hija única only daughter
el cuñado brother-in-law
la cuñada sister-in-law
el sobrino nephew
la sobrina niece
el tío uncle
la tía aunt
el primo cousin (boy)
la prima cousin (girl)
la familia family
el/la pariente relative
papá dad
mamá mom
la nieta granddaughter
el nieto grandson
se llama his/her name is
gemelos boy twins or boy/girl twins
gemelas girl twins
Mi my (one thing/person)
Mis my (more than one thing/person)
Tu your (one thing/person)
Tus your (more than one thing/person)
Su his/her/their/your all´s (one thing/person)
Sus his/her/their/your all´s (more than one thing/person)
Nuestro our (matches thing/person
Nuestra our (matches thing/person)
Nuestros our (matches thing/person)
Nuestras our (matches thing/person)
el pelo rubio blonde hair
el pelo castaño brown hair
el pelo negro black hair
el pelo gris grey hair
el pelo largo long hair
el pelo corto short (length) hair
el pelo rizado curly hair
el pelo liso straight hair
*Yo soy pelirrojo(a) *I am a redhead.
los ojos azules blue eyes
los ojos verdes green eyes
los ojos castaños brown eyes
los ojos negros black eyes
es is
son are
calcetines socks
camisa shirt
camiseta t shirt
chaqueta jacket
gorro winter hat
pantalones cortos shorts
vestido dress
zapatos shoes
botas boots
falda skirt
sudadera con capucha hoodie
pantalones deportivos athletic/sweatpants
abrigo coat
gorra baseball cap
gafas de sol sunglasses
guantes gloves
bufanda scarf
paraguas umbrella
bolsa bag/purse
llevo I wear
llevas you wear
lleva he or she wears
llevamos we wear
llevan they wear
Cuando when
hace frio it's cold
hace calor it's hot
llueve it's raining
nieva it's snowing
hace fresco it's nice
en in
el otono the fall
el invierno the winter
la primavera the spring
el verano the summer
Soy I am
Eres you are
Es is
somos we are
son they are
alto(a) tall
bajo(a) short (height)
artístico(a) artistic
atlético(a) athletic
deportista athletic
cómico(a) funny
divertido(a) fun
interesante interesting
aburrido(a) boring
estudioso(a) studious
serio(a) serious
inteligente intelligent
organizado(a) organized
desorganizado(a) unorganized
perezoso(a) lazy
trabajador(a) hard-working
activo(a) active
callado(a) quiet
hablador(a) talkative
sociable sociable
simpático(a) nice
antipático(a) mean
bonito(a) pretty
guapo(a) good-looking
feo(a) ugly
joven young
viejo(a) old
grande big
pequeño(a) small
bueno(a) good
malo(a) bad
el almuerzo lunch
el arroz rice
el bistec steak
el carne (de res) (roast) beef
el cereal cereal
el chorizo/la salchicha sausage/pepperoni/etc.
el desayuno breakfast
el huevo egg
el jugo juice
el maiz corn
el melón cantalope
el pan bread
el pavo turkey
el pescado fish
el pollo (frito) (fried) chicken
el queso cheese
el sándwich/la torta sandwich
el tocino bacon
el yogur yogurt
la banana/el plátano banana
la cena dinner
la ensalada salad
la hamburguesa hamburger
la leche milk
la lechuga lettuce
la manzana apple
la naranja orange
la sandía watermelon
la sopa soup
las bebidas drinks
las cerezas cherries
las comidas foods
las fresas strawberries
las papas potatoes
las uvas grapes
las verduras/los vegetales vegetables
las zanahorias carrots
los cacahuates peanuts
los frijoles beans
los panqueques pancakes
bebo I drink
bebes you drink
bebe he or she drinks
bebemos we drink
beben they drink
beber to drink
como I am eating
comes you are eating
come he/she is eating
comemos we are eating
comen they are eating
comer to eat
prefiero I prefer
Me gusta I like (one thing)
Me gustan I like (more than one thing)
pedir to order, to ask for
pido I order/ask for
pides You order/ask for
pide He/ She orders/asks for
pedimos We order/ask for
piden They order/ask for
servir to serve
sirvo I serve
sirves You serve
sirve He/She serves
servimos We serve
Sirven They serve
Me gustaría I would like
¿Te gustaría..? Would you like..?
el restaurante restaurant
el camarero server
la cuenta the bill
la propina tip
el menú menu
el plato principal main dish
a la carte side dish
el postre dessert
casa house
apartamiento apartment
granja farm
cocina kitchen
comedor dining room
cuarto room
escalera stairs
sala living room
cama bed
cómoda dresser
mesita little table
armario closet
pasillo hallway
baño bathroom
dormitorio bedroom
silla chair
sofá sofa/couch
mesa table
Mi casa es My house is (description)
Mi casa está My house is (location)
Mi casa tiene My house has
Mi dormitorio tiene My bedroom has
vivir to live
vivo I live
vives you live
vive he/she lives
vivimos we live
viven they live
el café café
el cine movie theater; the movies
el parque park
la calle street
la iglesia church
el edificio building
la piscina pool
el correo post office
la librería bookstore
la zapatería shoe store
la casa house
ir to go
voy I go
vas you go
va he/she goes
vamos we go
van they go
en taxi/en un uber in a taxi/in an uber
en autobus by bus
en coche by car
a pie by foot
la biblioteca library
la escuela school
a + la a la (to the)
a + el al (to the)
a + los a los (to the)
a + las a las (to the)
al lado de next to
cerca de near
enfrente de in front of
delante de in front of
detrás de behind
encima de on top of
lejos de far from
a la izquierda to the left
a la derecha to the right
entre de between
aquí here
allí there
estar to be located
estoy I am (located)
estás You are (located)
está It/He/She is (located)
estamos We are (located)
estan They are (located)
Hay There is/There are
básquetbol basketball
beísbol baseball
fútbol soccer
fútbol americano football
natación swimming
tenis tennis
voleibol volleyball
hockey hockey
golf golf
gimnasia gymnastics
pista track
artes marciales martial arts
esquiar to ski
hacer snowboard to snowboard
nadar to swim
correr to run
comprender las reglas understand the rules
ganar to win
perder (ie) to lose
partido game
equipo team
atleta athlete
jugador player
entrenador coach
patinar to skate
patines skates
estadio stadium
piscina pool
campo field
cancha court
bate bat
casco helmet
guante glove
pelota ball
raqueta racket
caminar to walk
levantar pesas to lift weights
hacer ejercicio to exercise
hacer esquí acuático to water ski
jugar (ue) to play
jugar a to play a sport
juego I play
juegas you play
juega he/she plays
jugamos we play
juegan they play
No me importa I don't care (about/one thing)
No me importan I don't care (about/more than one thing)
hablar infinitive: to speak
habl stem of hablar, no meaning
hablo I speak
hablas you speak
habla he or she speaks
hablamos we speak
hablan they/you all speak
beber infinitive: to drink
beb stem of beber, no meaning
bebo I drink
bebes you drink
bebe he or she drinks
bebemos we drink
beben they/you all drink
compartir to share
comparto I share
compartes you share
comparte he or she shares
compartimos we share
comparten they/you all share
volver (ue) to return
vuelvo I return
vuelves you return
vuelve he/she returns
volvemos we return
vuelven they return
querer (ie) to want
quiero I want
quieres you want
quiere he/she wants
queremos we want
quieren they want
pedir (i) to order, to ask for
pido I order/ask for
pides You order/ask for
pide He/ She orders/asks for
pedimos We order/ask for
piden They order/ask for
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