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History OCR TFP

History OCR Tudor Foreign policy

September 1562, Treaty of Hampton Court Treaty signed with French Hugenots promising support with start of "French wars of Religion" Elizabeth had initally worried about this as it would be setting a precedent
1584, Treaty of Joinville Signed between the French Guises and Spain. Military alliance confirming a joint attack on England. Compelling Elizabeth to take action
December 1568, Genose loan issues persist Sapin places an Embargo on England as Elizabeth takes control of the loan. seems to be due to an incompetent Spanish Ambassador (De Spes) who jumped to conclusions. In retaliation, Elizabeth seized the loan. A costly miscommunication. (Ends in 1573)
1576, Pacification of Ghent States General of the Netherlands met in peace negotiations with William of Orange. All fighting was to end Spanish troops were to leave Afterwards, the religious future of the Netherlands would be decided.
1595, two deaths Drake and Hawkins both led attacks on the Spanish fleet in the West Indies but failed. Both die of Dystentry.
February 1569 (passes 1570), Papal Bull of Excommunication Pope forces a Papal Bull of Excommunication against Elizabeth I. In miscommunication, she blames Philip. Philip prevents its publication in his territory.
1587, Death Mary Queen of Scots is executed. James VI and Henry III protest loudly but do nothing - they have too much to lose.
28th july 1588, Hellburners English sent 8 fireships. Armada feared they could be hellbenders (packed with gunpowder) but this wasn't the case. Due to this fear, many ships cut anchor to flee. Non were burnt but the Armada had broken formation. Now the English had the advantage.
June 1588, launch of the Armada and Statistics It set sail taking 2 days to leave port. With= 130 ships 8,000 Sailors 18,000 soldiers 15,000 brass guns 1,000 iron guns 28 warships (20 galleons, 4 galleys, 4 galleasses) 34 light war ships More priests than Drs
29th July 1588, Gravelines English had learnt what tactics to employ now. They could get close enough to do damage and then manoeuvre quickly away. after 8 hours of battle, the English had run out of Ammo totally. 5 Armada ships were sunk so Sidonia gave the order to head North.
1576-8, Don Juan Saga Philip's halfbrother, Don Juan of Austria was appointed governor-general of the Netherlands. Eager supporter of the 'Enterprise of England' This was taken as evidence of Philip's commitment, although his attention was on Portugal and France.
Mid 1577, Saga!!! The Pacification of Ghent ends as Spanish leader Don Juan returns due to money from the New World. Netherlands finds themselves dependent on William of Orange's troops
April 1559- The Treaty of Cateau- Cambresis Signed between France and Spain ending the Italian wars. It contained a clause agreeing on the return of Calais to England after 8 years (1567)
1596, Cadiz The Earl of Essex and Walter Raleigh attacked Cadiz to try to destroy the new Armada. Damage was inflicted but not as successful as in 1587.
1569, Revolt of the Northern Earls Agents were too careless and security at English ports too tight. Aim= Restore Catholisim and have Mary marry Northumberland and be Queen. Lead Parliament to try to execute her but Elizabeth only had Northumberland executed.
1592, Capture of Madre Dois English attack on a Spanish Bullion fleet which resulted in the capture of the Madre de Dois. It was filled with tones of valuables including silver, gold and ebony.
September 1568, sea battle A clash between English and Spanish ships at San Juan. Many English sailors and ships captured
1601, Tyrone Rebellion Saga Having worsened in 1598, the Tyrone Rebellion in Ulster is finally crushed
June 1586, Leicester Leicester returns to the Netherlands with 5,000 troops to prevent Parma from taking any deepwater ports. This will have repercussions on the Armada.
1586, 2nd Treaty of Berwick Anglo-Scottish Political alliance. Scottish neutrality in Anglo-Habsurg war, but would assist if attacked. Provides James had Pension of £4,000 pa. maintain Protestantism no explicit promise of James VI as heir to England but it wasn't ruled out.
23 July 1588, Portland Engagement Spanish had weather-gage but were still unable to close in due to English manoeuvrability. Little was achieved, Howard did try to form a line of attack to get closer but this wasn't followed through.
1586, Armada Preparation for the Armada begins essentially from scratch
1576, Sack of Antwerp 8,000 citizens dead. Spanish soldiers who hadn't been paid. Forces all 17 provinces of the Netherlands into open revolt. It caused the collapse of the Dutch Cloth Trade.
1581-3, Rebellion Irish Rebellion in Munster, Spanish troops arrive to aid them and fear of counter reformation grows.
November 1568, Genose Loan Ships carrying Spanish Bullion arrive in Plymouth and Southhampton due to poor weather. It is intended to pay for troops in the Netherlands.
1604, Treaty of London Treaty which finally ended the 19-year-long Anglo-Spanish war.
1576, Collapse of the Dutch Cloth Trade All merchants flee rebellion following the Sack of Antwerp. It's Okay though as England had already diversified their trade routes However, a major Anglo-Spanish bond is broken.
25 July 1588, Solent, Armada had intended to make a temporary base in Solnet but the English broke into 4 teams to block them. This meant the Spanish couldn't wait for word from arma and had to rely on hope that he was ready. They headed on to Calais.
1593, Conversion Henry IV of France converts to Catholicism to relive issues but continues to support Elizabeth and vice versa.
27 July 1588, Calais Armada set anchor in a defensive formation off Calais. expected Parma's army to be ready. Parma wasn't ready due to plague Dutch flyboats blocked the passage. Sidonia didn't want to risk his ships so Parma was trapped.
1594-1601, Tyrone's Rebellion Galic Irish Chief rebellion led by the Earl of Tyronne rose in Ulsher to support Catholic Spain. Elizabeth crushed those at great expense further consolidating English control of Ireland.
1583, Throckmorton Plot Aim= Same as Ridolfli, kill Eliz and the MQS be Queen, the Council signed the Bonds of Association that meant if Elizabeth died anyone who had tried to kill her had this on their behalf couldn't be counted as an heir. preventing Stuart from being Queen
April 1587, the Cadiz Expedition, Dake's successful attack on the Spanish Armada (forced postponement for one year).
1578, Marriage Elizabeth pursues the idea of marrying Anjou. To retain french support Prevent Anjou from taking control of Flanders which would help them reach England better.
January 1586, Governor-General Earl of Leicester accepts the position of the Governor-General of the Netherlands. This caused issues for Elizabeth as it suggested the country were independent but she wanted them to be semi-autonomous.
November 1563, Embargoes Philip's chief minister in the Netherlands, Crdinal Grenville believed Elizabeth to be involved in an anti-Catholic plot so placed an embargo on England.
1598, Peace Henry IV and Philip II make peace so troops are withdrawn from France
From 1572, Revolt Spanish faced open revolt from the Dutch in the Northern provinces of the Netherlands The Earl of Leicester and Francis Walsingham put pressure on Elizabeth to aid but she was reluctant.
1599, Armada Philip sends a fourth and final Armada which also fails.
1573, Convention of Nymegen England and Spain agree to restore English trade with the Netherlands which had ended in 1568/9 So Elizabeth recalled all English volunteers from the Netherlands.
1601, confirmation James VI is confirmed as the hier to Elizabeth
19 July 1588, sighting The Armada is spotted off the cornish Coast! On that evening English ships were trapped in port by the tides. If the Armada had attacked then they may have had a chance but this wasn't part of the plan so Medina de Sidonia refused the opportunity.
August 1572, St Barthelomew's Day Massacre Brutal Killing of Protestants in France by Catholics Fuels anti-Spanish/Catholic feeling in England But Elizabeth I refuses to let it impact foreign policy.
1589, Counter Armada Launched under Drake to attack the rest of the Armada. Unsuccessful attack to attack Lisborn to free the King of Portugal (Dom Antonio)
1568 - Exile Mary QoScots is exiled from Scotland, James VI aged 1 is now minority King. Mary, flees to England where she is imprisoned
November 1586, recall Leicester was recalled from the Netherlands. He had been inept as a commander and lacked military experience and suffer supply issues. Although he had prevented Parma from over-running provinces of Holland and Zeeland.
21 July 1588, Plymouth engagement English fleet engage Spanish of Eddy Stoner rocks in formation. too much distance to be effective but out manoeuvred the Spanish fire. That night, Drake put out his lantern (guide) to do some priracy. His fleet dispersed= day to reorganise.
1580, Bull of Excommunication Pope reissues the Papal Bull of Excommunication against Elizabeth and Jesuit priests arrive in England to spread Catholicism. This time Philip allows it.
April 1572, Treaty of Blois Politcial& military treaty with France v. Spain. Both countries felt threatened by Spanish troops in the Netherlands so this intended to protect both nations. This also triggered marriage negotiations with the Duke of Anjou, Catherine de Medici's son.
1574, Convention of Bristol Limits English raids on the West Indies
1580, Unification Portugal and Spain are 'unified' under Philip. Philip is now stronger with more ships, money, soldiers etc.
1589-96, Invasion Following the murder of Henry III, who was replaced by the protestant King Henry IV. Spain invades France to overthrow the new Huguenot King. Elizabeth intervenes.
August 1567, troops Philip places troops in the Netherlands under Alva. Threat to English and French National Security. Elizabeth would support this in theory as Philip is exercising his right as the rightful King against rebels.
1600, Peace? Peace talks fail between England and Spain
2nd August 1588. English out There was a chase where the English persued the Armada north. This was called by Howard who returned to England a successful commander in chief.
Summer 1559- Proposed Invasion Someone proposed to Philip that he should attempt to invade England on his way back to Spain. He declined as he aimed for stability within the nation
1596, Armada Philip sends another Armada but fails
June 1585, Treaty of Nonsuch Anglo-Netherlands military alliance. 6000 troops sent under the Earl of Leicester to support rebels. Elizabeth is certainly committed.
February 1588, Death Death of Santa Cruz, the very experienced military commander. He was replaced by Medina de Sidonia (Not experienced navally, will follow commands to own detriment)
1586-7, Embargo Placed on English exports to Antwerp
28th May 1588, Negotiations Date of England's last attempt at negotiating peace with parma. The English ships were ready, although parma may have given up at this point.
March 1572, Expulsion of the sea beggars Elizabeth refuses to allow 'sea beggars' (pirates) to land in England. This meant to be a show of solidarity with Philip but it backfired as the sea beggars attacked Netherland's ports which Philip owned. Philip blamed Elizabeth.
1577-80, Voyage Francis Drake successfully circumnavigates the globe. This undermines Philips's New world expeditions
January 1578, Thrasing Spanish troops outnumber Netherlands' so the Netherlands is defeated at Gembloux. Orange goes to Holland for safety so they offer Elizabeth sovereignty in return for assistance. She refuses but provides finances.
8th August 1588, Tilbury Speech Elizabeth sent to Tilbury to encourage troops. All her promises fell through but it was a brilliant speech.
December 1562-1568, Hawkins John Hawkins begins leading slaving expeditions to West Africa disrupting Spanish trading.
1597, Armada Philip sends a third Armada but fails.
6 July 1588, Departure. FINALLY, The Armada leaves Lisborn. They have been delayed by poor weather and then only 123 ships reached the channel.
September 1588, End of the Armada Due to navigation errors, the Armada were too close to the Scottish and the Irish coastline. Hellburner incident= they couldn't find safety (no anchors). So 50% of the ships were wrecked/ Most of the soldiers/sailors who reached Spain died of illness.
1586, Babington Plot Burghley and Walsingham found this plot. After infiltrating, they found solid evidence that Stuart sought to kill Elizabeth. Elizabeth was hesitant to act, but Burghley dispatched a death warrant.
1570s, Reorganisation Complete reorganisation of the English Navy under Hawkins and Drake Redesigning ships to make them smaller and faster Designing floating platforms for artillery
1562/1569/1577/1585= attempts from Elizabeth The Pan European Protestant league to bring together Protestant countries= England/ German Princes/ and Scandinavia into a league against Spain
Summer 1557, War at sea England successfully has the Navy clear the channel of French shipping. Spanish ships can reach the Netherlands.
1347, War Calais become an English territory
1558 Dynastic issues France, Scotland and the Papacy refuse to recognise Elizabeth as Queen of England
1556 - Treaty of Vaucelles Mary I sent Paget and Gardiner to France to agree a Habsurg - France truce. Pretty useless
1557, Forced loan Mary I raised a forced loan of £109,000 And a Parliament subsidiary of £168,000 Anger but no opposition.
August 1557 -Capture of St Quentin Captured St Quentin Port by joining forces with a large Spanish army of 70,000. It was a small victory but strongly celebrated.
1555--1557- reorganisation Mary I and Philip oversaw a complete reorganisation of the English navy + 26 battle ships
December 1557, War and response The Duke of Guise mobilises 27,000 troops to siege Calais, they entered over the frozen marshland to avoid defences. Mary I ordered immediate reinforcements of 28,000 but it is too late.
1557, Militia Act Mary I oversaw the reorganisation of a system for raising troops at a local level It was more efficient and the responsibility shifted from Nobles to JPs
March 1557 - War Saga Philip physically returns to England for the first time since 1555 to persaude England to join the war. Again Rejected
Winter 1557, war saga Henry II recalled the Duke of Guise from Italy to take Calais Wentworth (in charge of Calais) called for reinforcements but was only sent a few hundred (he needed 2,000)
April 1564, treaty of Troyes Ended the first war on religion. Calais was finally lost from England as they lost the terms of Cateau-Cambresis
April 1557, Stafford Conspiracy One of the last Dukes Given ships and weapons by Henry II of France Claimed himself as Protector of the Realm from Scarborough Castle. Claimed 13 castles would be gifted to Philip and Garrisoned before coronation Executed for treason in 1557.
June-July 1562, War and immeadiant concequence Elizabeth loaned 140,000 mercenairies and 3,000 english troops to the Hugenot cause, they take the port of Le Havre. They got the plague While Garrisonning Le Havre, Hugenots and French Catholics worked together to recapture the port in July.
1558 death Mary I dies, Ascension of Elizabeth I
July 1557, Land war Mary goes to war on her own terms. The Navy transports 7,000 troops to Calais under Pembroke.
December 1556, war saga France confiscates English merchant ship and crew. It is not returned
September 1556- war War between France and Spain
January 1558 - War and response Port of Calais sieged - Philip was asked for help, and he sent 200 troops. He'd promised more later but this was stubbornly refused by Mary I's council
1558, published Mary I's Book of Rates was published This detailed the customs duties that were to be levied on imports and exports, the revenue from which went to the Crown it increased them
January 1558, surrender After a major assault from the Guises Wentworth (leader) surrenders and got safe passage out for all inhabitants. Mary I had him arrested and tried for treason but he was released
February 1489, Redon Treaty with Brittany, promiseing 6,000 troops to defend them agaisnt France. Brittany woud pay all expenses.
October 1492, war Henry leads his army to France at the end of campaign season. He did this to support the Breton crisis
Novemeber 1492, Treaty of Etaples France must Pay arrreas of Piquiny in 1475 Pay expenses in Brittany not support any English rebels
1494, war Italien wars begin between France and Spain
October 1496, Holy League A league against France. England joined but pledged to remain neutral due to peace with France at the time.
Dcecember 1508, League of Cumbrai Anti-Spanish league between France, Burgundy and England. It fell through when France pulled out last minuite, leaving England isolated. Burgundy, France and Spain then made an Anti Venice league without England
April 1509, death Death of Henry VII, ascention of Henry VIII
1512, Holy League Spain, Netherlands and Holy Roman Empire in an alliance against France. England joined by 1512
Summer 1512, Gascony Exepdition Agreed in Nov 1511, 12,000 troops, sent under Marquis of Dorset. Idle on the coast as Dorset refused to allow them to aid in Spain vs France battle in Navarre. So Ferdiand refused to aid them in Gascony so they returned drunken and dysentery ridden
1516- Treaty of Noyton Treaty between Spain and France. Left out England which was increasingly isolated
1536 - religious saga Pope announces Henry as a heretic so now he is vulnerable to crusade
1547- Death Death of Henry VIII, Replaced by Edward VI
1526- League of Cognac An attempt on Wosley's part to create an anti-Spanish league = Unsucessful
1533 - cont divorce Saga Break from Rome! Annulment between Catherine and Henry who marries the heavily pregnant Anne Boylene
1539 - Religious Saga In response to the pact of Toledo, Henry releases the 6 acts to prove his church is very Catholic so isn't heresy.
1513- Holy League saga Spain pulls out of the anti-French league leaving England to be defeated against the French in the English Channel
1529 - Peace of Cumbrai Between France and Spain (England played no part) Reduced prospect of divorce
1539 - Pact of Toledo France, Spain and Scotland agree a military agreement to undergo a Catholic Crusade against England.
1523- Invasion (why it failed) Due to the rebellion in France, England invades. A force of 10,000 under Suffolk reached within 50 miles of Paris then due to the weather and the collapse of the Spanish treaty it ended in miserable retreat.
1527- Treaty of Westminster Anglo-French treaty against Spain. The idea was to place additional pressure on Spain to release the Pope. Also, French Cardinals could press the Divorce Issue.
Late 1515- Battle of Marignano Fracais' victory in the seizure of Milan triggered English counterattack
October 1517- Treaty of London Pope Leo X was anxious about Ottoman Turks so wanted to create a Pan-European crusade. He sent papal legates to big countries. Wosley jumped on this to work with legate Cardinal Campeggio to create peace for Europe. Underpinned by Franco-English treaty
September 1543 - War England captured Boulunge, and on the same day Spain and France make peace to deal with Protestants in Germany
April 1521- War War between France and Spain, England loses the title of peacemaker and it is the beginning of the end of Wosley
February 1525- Battle of Patvia Spanish troops capture Francis I. Charles V refuses to invade unless henry VIII can pay for it but he cannot due to the failure of the Amicable Grant. This triggered peace between France and England in August.
1527 - A saga begins beginning of the divorce issue
Summer 1542 - Agreement Relations between France and Spain fail so England and Spain agree to go to war against France in 1543
July 1520- Gravelines Henry VIII met Charles V at Gravelines. Charles wanted to fight France, Wosley suggested a 3-way convention in the summer but it was too little too late.
January 1519- Death Death of Maximilian of the Empire. Francais, Charles and Henry applied. Charles got it so now he was the Emporer, ArchDuke of Burgundy and King of Spain.
1538 - Religious saga and a treaty Pope for a crusade against England. France and Spain sign a 10yr truce (will not last)
May 1520, Field of the Cloth of Gold Henry VIII and Francis I sent 3 weeks in a 'tented village' where they enjoyed festivities. Little political significance but aimed at keeping the Treaty of London together
April 1521, Treaty of Brudges England declares war on France if France refused to peace terms. Mary (I) would marry Charles
May 1523, War Wosley folds and now England and Spain enter war against France.
1525, Amicable Grant Charles V refused to help Henry VIII as he couldn't raise the finances. Wolsey tried asking his nobles for a forced loan but this was rejected.
August 1535, Peace treaty In light of Charles V's actions, England signed a peace treaty with Frane ending a largely theoretical war.
1532, Summit A meeting between Henry VIII and Henry II of France
July 1544, War Henry VIII finally launched an invasion of France. A two-pronged attack on Paris, A very slow army as Henry VIII insisted on leading it (48,000 troops)
July 1545, Sea war French counter-invasion to attack the Isle of Wight. England won at the cost of 500 men and the loss of Henry VIII's flag ship the Mary Rose.
June 1546, Treaty of Campe The peace treaty with France. -England keep Boulogne for 8 years, - France to pay pension from Piquiny
Summer 1512, War at sea An encounter between French and English ships at sea left Henry's flagship sunk (the regent). List 600 crew to drowning.
March 1513, Scottish saga (relevent I promise) James IV and Louis XII of France make an agreement so Scotland would invade England. Due to England's bullying tactics
April 1513, (land) war English invasion of France via Calais. Captured Therouanne and Tournai. Heavily clebrate victory inc 10 days of celebration, but of little strategic value.
1513, Wosley Gifted bishopric of Tournai (and Lincoln)
1513, Battle of the Spurs A small skirmish whilst defending Therouanne. Also celebrated as significant; french retreated and prisoners taken.
August 1514, peace settlement Wosley and Pope Leo X persaude Henry VIII to make peace. Tournai remained English territory.
December 1514, Death Louis XII dies, which ends the peace agreement as Francis I is now King and he shares Henry VIII's anachronisitic views
1515, Scottish Saga What actually destroyed the 1514 treaty. The Great Council of Scotland decided to remove Margaret Tudor from power. Francis I supported this.
1517, Peace of Cumbrai Wosley and Henry VIII had tried to bride Maximilian of the Empire to reverse pro-French policy but this failed. Maximilian and Francis I signed this peace of Cumbrai.
October 1517, Anglo-French treaty This underpinned the Treaty of London. Tournai returned to France (compensiation paid) France wouldn't support Albany in Scotland Mary Tudor and Francis' young son would marry.
1553- death Death of Edward VI, Ascension of Mary I
1551 - Alliance Anglo-French defensive alliance; England was to remain neutral in conflicts. This angered Spain as England couldn't support the Habsurg-Valois conflict.
March 1547, Death Death of Francis I, replaced by aggressive Henry II
June 1548, War France sent 6,000 troops to Scotland, made forts and captured English ones. Mary Queen of Scots flees to Frane where she marries the French Dauphin (heir) Francis II
August 1548, war Somerset send armies to Scotland to try to frend of French armies
January 1549, war Somerset sends a second army to Scotland to frend of the French
July 1549, war Somerset sends a thord army to Scoland to fend off the French. All three attacks amounted to nothing and cost 50% than Henry VIII's wars had
August 1549, war Henry II declared war on Somerset. Somerset offered to return to Boulongue immediately but Henry II wanted Calais as well. This was unacceptable top England defined boulongue - Just.
October 1549, Rise and Fall Somerset is replaced as regent by Nothumberland
1551, Treaty of Angers Agreed on the future marriage of Edward VI to the French Princess. End of the possibility of the Treaty of Grenwich Shows Northumberland's attempts to unite France and England.
July 1560, treaty of Edinburgh Francis II dies so Mary Queen of Scots cannot rule France so she returned to Scotland. French troops leave Scotland (end of French influence in Scotland, it is never reapplied due to French Wars of Religion) Eliz sends in English troops
1506- Treaty of Winsor Henry agrees a few things Suffolk related But also agrees to support Joanna's claim to Spain
1551 - Embargo Embargo placed on Antwerp as Charles V had considered the invaison of England due to Protestant Reform Treatment of Mary I
1504 Death and Crisis Isabella of Castille dies=Castillion Succession Crisis. Ferdinand of Spain wanted to have the whole of Spain, but Isabella had left it to her daughter Joanna. And Philip arrived to claim it. England sided with Philip not Spain so this ended well.
1485 - Battle of Bosworth Henry Tudor defeats Richard III in battle leading to his coronation. allies in France and truce with Spain
1527- War and Embargo Spanish troops sack Rome and capture Pope Leo X. England tried to but a trade Embargo on Dutch trade but this failed due to rebellion in England.
1550-1 - Crash of Antwerp The economic crash in Antwerp was triggered by Charles V's Spanish Inquisition which spread to the Netherlands. It killed trade as many protestant Merchants fled for their lives.
September 1493, embargo Trade embargo on Burgundy to stop then supporting Warbeck. The cloth trade continues through Calais instead
February 1496, Magnus intercursus Trade deal that ends the embargo English merchants can trade anywhere but Flanders without paying customs duties
April 1506, malus intercursus Philip’s boat is driven off course so he ends up in England. Henry VII gets him to sign this treaty: No duties on English cloth English cloth lust be sold everywhere Philip’s subjects owed duties to English
1507, revert of treaties Malus Intercursus ended as it was too harsh. Magnus intercursus recommences
January 1516, death Death of Ferdinand of Spain. Arch-Duke Charles of Burgundy is now King of Spain
1502, treaty of perpetual peace The first proper peace treaty since 1328
August 1503, marriage Marriage between Margret and James IV due to the treaty of perpetual peace
1511, Scottish Saga Bullying tactics Henry VIII’s deliberately provocative and disrespectful comments and English attacks in Scottish pirates made James IV very anxious
September 1513, Battle of Flodden As Henry was occupied with France, Catherine of Aragon organised troops in Scotland. James IV, several important Scottish nobles and 10,000 Scottish troops killed. This left Margret Tudor as Queen regent, but this was never monopolied
1548-60 Regent Mary of Guise is regent of Scotland, and French troops are stationed in Scotland. Mary Queen of Scots is in France and grew up there
1559 Lord of Congregation They request English help to spread Protestantism in Scotland Elizabeth is unwilling to help for fears of setting a precedent of over throwing a legitimate monarch for religious reasons.
1560 (February) Treaty of Berwick Signed with discontented Scottish nobles (Lords of the congregation) to advance the cause of Protestantism.
1560 dynastic saga Scotland recognises Elizabeth as the rightful Queen of England. The Lords of the Congregation take control of Scotland in Mary Queen of Scots' absence.
1561 Mary QoS Mary Queen of Scots returns to Scotland to take her throne.
1566 birth James (VI) is born, this is a threat as now Mary QoS is an even more legitimate monarch of England as she comes with an heir. Mary, flees to England where she is imprisoned
1568-1571, who was regent In this time, James VI was a baby, so the Earl of Moray was Regent. as a protestant
1568-72 war and death Civil war breaks out in Scotland between the Protestant govt and the Catholic supporters of Mary (Marians). The Earl of Moray asks for assistance and Elizabeth sends troops, it is a victory for Protestantism but Moray dies.
1571-80, regent In this time, Moray died in the Civil war so he was replaced by the Earl of Morton Elizabeth steps back from Scotland now Protestantism is established
1580 arrival and dismissal Esme Stewart (Guise) arrives in Scotland from France! exerts considerable influence over James VI (age 12-14) - evem Earl of Morton is dismissed as regent Elizabeth fears the restoration of Catholicism and Auld Alliance, although Elizabeth does nothing
1582, ejection Esme Stuart is kidnapped and forcefully expelled from Scotland James is now majority King (aged 14)
1603, death Elizabeth dies, Ascension of James I of England (James VI of Scotland)
September 1486, Truce 3yr truce with signed with Scotland
1495, Warbeck saga Is welcomed into Scotland (he will leave shortly after and later return)
September 1496 James IV’s invasion of England to aid Warbeck and assert his own majority rule over Scotland. Terrible failure as Warbeck had no support in England
1497, truce of Ayton Peace with Scotland which would become a full treaty in 1499. It included a marriage proposal of James IV and Margaret (Henry’s daughter) No more support for Warbeck in Scotland.
November 1499, Warbeck saga (treaty of Ayton) Warbeck is executed which made the truce of Ayton a treaty (first since 1328)
1541 September, Meeting Henry VIII was stood up by James IV in York. Henry VIII took great offence at this
October 1542, war English invasion of Scotland Large-scale vandalism and sacking Triggering a reaction from Scotland
Nov 1542, Battle of Solway Moss 20,000 Scottish troops advanced on the smaller English army It was only a skirmish - England took some important prisoners.
1542, Death and ascension Death of James V 2 weeks after the battle of Solway Moss (of a broken heart) 1 week old Mary Stuart is the new Queen
July 1543, Treaty of Greenwich Regent of Scotland - the Earl of Aaron allowed for an Anglo-Scottish alliance It would agree the marriage of Mary Stuart to Edward (VI)
1543, treaty Scotland repudiated (took back) the Greenwich treaty Turns out Henry VIII had been played
1547, Battle of Pinkie Somerset (Protector) wanted to see the completion of the 1543 Greenwich treaties Victory - reached 9 miles from Edinburgh Then they garrison - unsuccessful Somerset did not either deal with French influence nor work with the ‘assured Scots’(supporters)
September 1549, war Somerset withdrew forces from Haddington, his chief fortress in Scotland
1550, Treaty of Boulongne Agreed with France, Withdrawal of English troops from Scotland Return of Boulange to France for £130,000 A pragmatic response to social issues
You reached the 2nd to last set Wow
1492, Scotland coup Henry VII supported a successful coup in Scotland to replace the anti English regents (of James IV?) with pro English ones (Earl of Agnus)
1489- Treaty of Medina Del Campo Anglo-Spanish treaty agreeing •Marriage between Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon •Trade benefits - 10% trade through Spain alone •Not to support English rebels •Fight against France together
1492- exile Moors driven out of Grenada Spain should be more helpful now
1494 Italian Wars begin Between France and Spain
1502 Death Arthur is DEAD!!!!!
1501 marriage Marriage between Catherine of Aragon and Arthur
1536 - Deaths Both Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boylene die so this may ease conflicts between Spin and England
August - October 1553 - marriage Saga Negotiations over marriage between Philip of Spain and Mary I happened in secret
October 1553 - Marriage saga Mary I tells the council of her marriage plans which causes factional divisions some favoured it (Paget) others opposed it (Gardiner) Many feared England becoming Spanish territory.
December 1553- Marriage treaty Signed between England and Spain. Restrictions on Philip as King +No ruling England +England couldn't be forced into Spanish foreign policy
July 1554- marriage Philip of Spain marries his cousin, Mary I
January 1559 - Marriage Propsal Philip of Spain proposed to Elizabeth - she rejects this.
December 1564, Embargo saga Cardinal Grenville is sacked so the embargo ends
1584, 2x deaths Anjou dies in battle, so marriage negotiations end. William of Orange is assassinated, leaving the rebellion needing a figurehead, Elizabeth now must commit.
1556, abdication Charles V of Spain abdicates the throne in favour of his son Philip II. He dies in 1558
1536 Pilgrimage of Grace the biggest rebellion to support Catherine of Aragon lead by Darcy and Hussey of the Aragonese Faction Although the threat dies when both Catherine and Anne Boleyn died in 1536
1578, Hanse Elizabeth removed all Hanse privileges in England
March 1489, Failure Henry VII's failed attempt at a trade treaty with Denmark
March 1557- War Saga Philip physically returns to England forhe first time since 1555 to persaude England to join the war. Also rejected
1571, Ridolfi Plot Intended to kill Elizabeth so that Mary would be Queen next
??? Mary, Henry's sister would marry the aged French King, Louis XII
Created by: abbey_ant
Popular European History sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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