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ENG-SPA Adverbs 2

Phrases and sentences using adverbs ending in "-mente"

The team worked efficiently to complete the project. El equipo trabajó eficientemente para completar el proyecto.
She spoke clearly during the presentation. Ella habló claramente durante la presentación.
The train arrived punctually at the station. El tren llegó puntualmente a la estación.
The baby slept deeply all night. El bebé durmió profundamente toda la noche.
They studied diligently for the final exam. Estudiaron diligentemente para el examen final.
The chef prepared the dinner exquisitely. El chef preparó la cena exquisitamente.
The music was playing softly in the background. La música estaba sonando suavemente en el fondo.
The speaker expressed himself clearly during the conference. El orador se expresó claramente durante la conferencia.
They solved the problem quickly and without difficulties. Resolvieron el problema rápidamente y sin dificultades.
They observed each detail of the painting carefully. Observaron cuidadosamente cada detalle del cuadro.
The wind was blowing gently on the beach. El viento soplaba suavemente en la playa.
They worked tirelessly to achieve their goals. Trabajaron incansablemente para alcanzar sus metas.
The storm passed quickly, and the sun came out. La tormenta pasó rápidamente y el sol salió.
The team solved the puzzle easily. El equipo resolvió el acertijo fácilmente.
The water flowed gently through the river. El agua fluía suavemente por el río.
The writer described the landscape in detail. El escritor describió el paisaje detalladamente/en detalle.
The stars were shining intensely in the night sky. Las estrellas brillaban intensamente en el cielo nocturno.
The scientist studied the results meticulously. El científico estudió meticulosamente los resultados.
The athlete competed bravely in the race. La atleta compitió valientemente en la carrera.
Created by: Dancorai
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