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Preterite Quiz

yeah yeah you get it (pg. 235,, 236, 239)

A regular verb is a verb conjugated in the same pattern (er, ir, ar) True
Object, verb, subject order the order used for spanish sentences
AR preterit endings é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron
IR preterit endings í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron
ER preterit endings í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron
Stem-changing verbs ending in -ar and -er do not have a stem change in the preterit. example: pensar: pensé, pensaste, pensó, pensamos, pensasteis, pensaron
Verbs ending in -car and -gar have a spelling change in the yo form of the preterit that reflects how the word is pronounced. Verbs ending in -zar have a spelling change in the yo form. example: sacar: saqué, llegar: llegué, empezar: empecé (qué, gué, cé
The verb DAR (to give) uses the same endings as -er and -ir verbs in the preterit di, diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron.
indirect object pronouns me, te, le, nos, os, les (answer to or for whom.) you may use these in some sentences, EX: Jorge le dio a Elena una copia de sus apuntes (Jorge gave Elena a copy of his notes.) indicate pronoun for who gave/did what to or for whom BEFORE the verb.
The time expressions denote when an event took place (an event that has already occurred; past tense!) true.
hoy (por la mañana/tarde) today (in the morning/afternoon.)
anoche last night
ayer yesterday
ante(a)noche the night before last
anteayer day before yesterday
la semana pasada last week
una semana atrás a week ago
el año pasado last year
mes pasado last month
hace un día/mes/año (que) it has been a day/month/year since
The verbs ir and ser have identical forms in the preterit; you can use context to determine the meaning. true.
SER means "to be" (state of being or characteristics) and IR means "to go." IR could mean "I went" or "I was." (you were is SER or you went which is IR.) true.
IR and SER conjugations (yo, tu, el/ella, nos, vos, ellos/as order.) fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron
Some important terms Vestido (dress), pero (but), Pensar (to think, thought), Volver (to return, returned), Hablar (to speak/talk), Comer (to eat, ate), Vivir (to live, lived), Sacar (to take out), llegar (to arrive), Empezar (to start/begin).
you will also be able to differentiate between ir and ser in the preterit because IR is often followed by the preposition "a." examples: Ernesto fue a la tienda (Ernesto went to the store.) fue is the IR conjugated form for "he,she, it"
the nosotros/as forms of the preterit of -ar and -ir verbs are the same in the present tense and the preterit. Context will help you determine if nosotros/as verb forms are present or past. true; example: Llegamos a la tienda a las tres (we arrive at the store at three or we arrived at the store at three.)
more vocab a la - "to the." con - "with." Tienda - "store."
Created by: FaithMcBaith
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