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D'accord 1 2B

Une semaine au lycée

J'adore... I love...
J'aime bien... I like...
Je n'aime pas tellement... I don't like... very much.
Je déteste... I hate...
être reçu(e) à un examen to pass an exam
Des questions et des opinions Questions and opinions
bien sûr of course
d'accord OK, all right
Est-ce que/qu'...? question phrase
mais non no (but of course not)
moi non plus me neither
toi non plus you neither
ne... pas no, not
n'est-ce pas? isn't that right?
oui/si yes
parce que because
pas du tout not at all
peut-être maybe, perhaps
pourquoi? why?
assister to attend
demander to ask
dîner to have dinner
échouer to fail
écouter to listen (to)
enseigner to teach
expliquer to explain
passer un examen to take an exam
préparer to prepare (for)
rentrer (à la maison) to return (home)
téléphoner à to telephone
trouver to find
visiter to visit (a place)
l'architecture (f.) architecture
l'art (m.) art
la biologie biology
la chimie chemistry
le droit law
l'économie (f.) economics
l'éducation physique (f.) physical education
la géographie geography
la gestion business administration
l'histoire (f.) history
l'informatique (f.) computer science
les langues (étrangères) (f.) (foreign) languages
les lettres (f.) humanities
les mathématiques (maths) (f.) mathematics
la philosophie philosophy
la physique physics
la psychologie psychology
les sciences (politiques/po) (f.) (political) science
le stylisme fashion design
une bourse scholarship, grant
la cantine cafeteria
un cours class, course
un devoir homework
un diplôme diploma, degree
l'école (f.) school
les études (supérieures) (f.) (higher) education
le gymnase gymnasium
une note grade
un restaurant universitaire (un resto U) university cafeteria
Quel jour sommes-nous? What day is it?
un an year
une/cette année one/this year
après after
après-demain day after tomorrow
un/cet après-midi an/this afternoon
aujourd'hui today
demain (matin/après-midi/soir) tomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening)
un jour day
une journée day
(le) lundi (on) Monday(s)
mardi Tuesday(s)
mercredi Wednesday(s)
jeudi Thursday(s)
vendredi Friday(s)
samedi Saturday(s)
dimanche Sunday(s)
un/ce matin a/this morning
la matinée morning
un mois/ce mois-ci a month/this month
une/cette nuit a/this night
une/cette semaine a/this week
un/ce soir an/this evening
une soirée evening
un/le/ce week-end a/the/this weekend
dernier/dernière last
premier/première first
prochain(e) next
difficile difficult
facile easy
inutile useless
utile useful
surtout especially
avoir...ans to be ___ years old
avoir besoin (de) to need (to have need of)
avoir de la chance to be lucky (to have luck)
avoir chaud to be hot
avoir envie (de) to feel like
avoir froid to be cold
avoir honte (de) to be ashamed (of)
avoir l'air to look/seem like
avoir peur (de) to be afraid of (to have fear of)
avoir raison to be right
avoir sommeil to be sleepy
avoir tort to be wrong
j'ai I have
tu as you have (sing., informal)
il a he has
elle a she has
on a a person has
nous avons we have
vous avez you have (plural, formal)
ils ont they have
elles ont they have (females only)
Created by: mmemcl
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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