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SAT Reading


pretense a false appearance or action intended to deceive
obscure unclear, hard to perceive
contempt a feeling that someone is inferior or worthless
pragmatic practical
revere to regard with respect and awe
disparage to speak of someone in a disrespectful way
substantiate to support with proof
trivial unimportant
anthropology study of humans & society
indignant filled with anger
implausible hard to believe
intemperate having no self control
rhetoric the art of using language effectively/persuasively
embellish to make beautiful
prudent wise in handing practical matters, having good judgement
vindicate to clear from accusation
deride treat w/ridicule or contempt
disdaine treat w/contempt or despise
erroneous mistaken
mundane boring
capricious impulsive/unpredicable
convoluted complicated/confusing
precedent an earlier case that is now considered a guide for similar cases
reprehensible blameworthy
underscore emphasize
astute wise, shrew
commend to praise someone
impetuous acting or done quickly w/no care
reticent quiet/reserved
scrutinize to examine thoroughly
augment to make something greater by adding to it
belie to misrepresent, disguise
discern to perceive or distinguish something
disingenuous dishonest
exacerbated to make a problem worse
frugal careful with spending money
perpetuate to make something continue indefinitely
supplant replace
analogous similar
autonomy independence
callous insensitive
camaraderie mutual trust and friendship within a group
cantankerous bad tempered
credulity a tendency to believe something is true
dearth a scarcity of something
dogmatic narrow minded
elucidate to make something clear; explain
emulate to imitate
equivocal open to more than 1 interpretation
flagrant offensive and blameworthy
idiosyncrasy a personal oddity
incontrovertible not able to be denied or disputed
incredulous unwilling or unable to believe something
obsolete no longer produced or used
partisan prejudiced in favor of one particular side
scrupulous attentive to details
superfluous unnecessary, more than enough
venerated regarded w/great respect
zealous having or showing passion and enthusiasm
abhor to resent
ardor` enthusiasm or compassion
censure to express severe disapproval of
conscientious wishing to do what is right in duty or work
derivative imitative, unoriginal
didactic intended to teach
eclectic made up from a wide range of sources or ideas
innocuous not harmful or offensive, innocent
juxtapose to place side by side for contrast
mar to disfigure, spoil, or damage
opportune well timed
prosaic commonplace, unromantic
provincial narrow minded
reclusive avoiding people
sanguine cheerfully optimistic
tacit silent, understood without being stated out loud
tenacious keeping a firm hold on something, not giving up
transient not permanent
adept very skilled in something
adulation excessive admiration or praise
apt suitable for the circumstance, fitting
austere strict and harsh, having no luxury or comforts
cajole to persuade someone to do something through praise
cordial warm and friendly
corroborate to confirm or give support to
debilitate to make weak
detract to reduce or take away from the value of something
dilatory slow to act; intended to cause delay
discord disagreement between people
dissent disagreement; refusal to accept certain beliefs
effusive expressing feelings of gratitude or enthusiasm openly
equanimity mental calmness and composure
esoteric understood only by a few with specialized knowledge
exonerate to free from guilt
exorbitant unreasonably high; excessive
exuberant having lively energy and excitement
facetious treating serious issues with silly or inappropriate humor
fallacy a mistaken belief
flippant not showing a serious or respectful attitude
gregarious sociable; fond of company
inquisitive curious; showing an interest
insipid tasteless; lacking flavor
insolence rude and disrespectful behavior
jaded tired or unexcited after too much of something
morose gloomy, sad, and bad-tempered
opulent wealthy; having luxury
ornate having complex patterns; very detailed
paragon a person or thing viewed as the model of excellence
rancorous having bitterness and resentment
repudiate to refuse to accept something
sycophant a person who pleases people to gain an advantage; suck-up
abstruse difficult to understand; obscure
adversary an enemy or opponent
anachronistic out of place in a particular time period
arbitrate to reach a judgment or agreement
assiduous showing great care and effort
aversion a strong dislike for something
banal lacking in originality; boring
caustic sarcastic in a hurtful and bitter way
charlatan a cheater or fraud; trickster
concord an agreement between people; a treaty
conducive making a certain outcome likely or possible
consummate supreme; highly skilled; complete and pure
contrite feeling regret or guilt for wrongdoings
curative able to cure something
deleterious causing harm and damage
delineate to describe or portray something precisely
denigrate to criticize unfairly; disparage
ebullient cheerful and full of energy
expedient convenient, practical, suitable
extol to praise enthusiastically
florid excessively detailed and complicated
hackneyed overused; unoriginal; cliche
hedonism the pursuit of pleasure
incongruity being out of place; not fitting the circumstances
indictment a formal charge or accusation of a crime
intransigent unwilling or refusing to change one's views
invocation a calling upon for assistance or authority
maverick an independent-minded person; rebel
mitigate to make less severe, serious, or painful
monotony a lack of variety and interest; boring repetition
nuance a subtle difference in meaning or expression
ostensible appearing to be true, but not necessarily so
perspicacious having insight; having wisdom
pervasive spread throughout in an area or group of people
precocious talented or intelligent at a very young age
proliferate to increase rapidly in numbers; multiply
prolific productive; producing many works
remiss lacking care or attention to duty
surreptitious kept secret; sneaky
tact skill in negotiating and dealing with others
tenuous very weak and flimsy
thwart to prevent someone from accomplishing something
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