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Ch 1 Terms

Definitions of chapter one bolded terms

Social order the way we organize and live our collective lives
Government a system or organization for exercising authority over a body of people
Authority the power that people recognize as legitimate
Legitimate accepted as “right” or proper
Compliance the act of accepting and carrying out authorities’ decisions
Rules directives that specify how resources will be distributed or what procedures govern collective activity
Norms informal, unwritten expectations that guide behavior and support formal rule systems; often most noticeable when broken. I.e. Essential to government and politics
Institutions organizations in which government power is exercised. I.e. Congress, the presidency, the courts, and the bureaucracy
Popular Sovereignty the basic principle of democracy that the people ultimately rule
Political Liberty the principle that citizens in a democracy are protected from government interference in the exercise of a range of basic freedoms
Political Equality the principle that says that person carries equal weight in the conduct of the public business
Economics the production and distribution of a society’s material resources and services
Socialist economy an economic system in which the state determines production, distribution, and price decisions, and property is government owned
Substantive guarantees government assurance of particular outcomes or results
Capitalist economy an economic system in which the market determines production, distribution, and price decisions, and property is privately owned. Pure capitalist economy
Laissez-faire capitalism an economic system in which the market makes all decisions and the government plays no role
Authoritarian governments systems in which the state holds all power over the social order
Totalitarian a system in which absolute power is exercised over every aspect of life
Libertarianism Power rests with individuals to make decisions concerning their lives
Anarchy (the most extreme form) the absence of government and laws
Democracy government that vests power in the people; based on popular sovereignty
Popular sovereignty the concept that the citizens are the ultimate source of political power
citizens They are members of a political community having both rights and responsibilities
subjects They are obliged to submit to a government authority against which they have no rights
Republic a government in which decisions are made through representatives of the people
Digital native an individual born after the advent of digital technology who is proficient in and dependent on its use.
Mediated citizens all interactions happen through third parties.
Hashtag activism a form of political engagement that occurs by organizing individuals online around a particular issue
Information bubble a closed cycle, sometimes self-created, in which all the information we get reinforces the information we already have, solidifying our beliefs without reference to outside reality checks
American citizenship Jus soli- born in the states or in most overseas US territories, or Jus sanguinis-born to American citizens, even if it’s outside of the states
Immigrants citizens or subjects of one country who move to another country to live or work
Naturalization the legal process of acquiring citizenship for someone who has not acquired it by birth
Asylum protection or sanctuary, especially from political persecution
Refugees individuals who flee an area or a country because of persecution on the basis of race, nationality, religion, group membership, or political opinion
legal nonimmigrants without resident status Visitors, foreign government officials
Political culture the broad patterns of ideas, beliefs, and values about citizens and government held by the citizens of a country
Values central ideas, principles, or standards that most people agree are important
Normative a term used to describe beliefs or values about how things should be or what people ought to do rather than what actually is
Individualism the belief that what is good for society is based on what is good for individuals
Theoretical influences john locke and adam smith
John Locke people are justified in taking the product of their effort for their own as private property; some will end up with more property than others
Adam Smith if markets are left alone to operate naturally, following the laws of supply and demand, they will coordinate economic life in a nearly perfect fashion
Competitive individualism People are naturally competitive, always striving to better themselves in relation to others
Competitive individualism People are naturally competitive, always striving to better themselves in relation to others
Ideologies sets of beliefs about politics and society that help people make sense of their world
Conservatives people who generally favor limited government and are cautious about change
Liberals people who generally favor government action and view change as progress
Created by: loavpoav
Popular American Government sets




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