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Part 1 LIst A-E
Hutchison Vocabulary 2023-2024
Term | Definition |
bile | n. substance produced by the liver that breaks up fat particles; irritability, anger, bitterness |
binge | n. a relatively brief episode of uncontrolled, excessive consumption; v. to indulge in something to excess |
blanch | v. to whiten; to make pale |
blaspheme | v. to speak irreverently or disrespectfully about God or sacred things |
bleak | adj. bare, dreary, dismal |
blithe | adj. cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned |
bluster | v. to talk or act in a noisy and threatening way; to blow in stormy gusts; n. speech that is loud and threatening |
bogeyman | n. an imaginary evil spirit, typically referred to in order to frighten children |
bolster | v. to support |
bon vivant | n. someone who enjoys luxurious living |
bookish | adj. fond of books and reading; excessively concerned with details |
bough | n. a branch of a tree |
bowdlerize | v. to remove offensive passages of a play, novel, etc. |
braggart | n. someone who boasts |
bravura | n. a display of daring; a brilliant performance |
brazier | n. an open pan or basin for holding live coals |
brevity | n. briefness; short duration |
brink | n. the edge of something |
broach | v. to bring up a subject for discussion |
brood | v. to be deep in thought; to think over moodily and at length |
brunt | n. the main impact, force, or burden |
buff | v. to polish with soft material n. a fan or enthusiast |
bumpkin | n. an unsophisticated, awkward person |
bureaucracy | n. a system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials |
burlesque | n. a ridiculous, mocking, lewd imitation |
aviary | n. a large enclosure for keeping birds |
avuncular | adj. like an uncle, benevolent and tolerant |
badger | v. to pester, nag, annoy persistently |
baleful | adj. threatening harm; menacing |
baloney | n. foolish or deceptive talk; nonsense |
bandy | v. to give and take quickly in conversation; to toss back and forth |
barb | n. a wounding remark |
barrage | n. a rapid, large-scale outpouring of something |
bask | v. to expose oneself to pleasant warmth |
bawl | v. to cry loudly |
becalm | v. to make quiet |
bedizen | v. to dress in a vulgar, showy manner |
befuddle | v. to confuse; to perplex |
behemoth | n. a creature of enormous size, power, or appearance |
belabor | v. to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent |
belittle | v. to make something seem less important |
bemoan | v. to express discontent or sorrow over |
beneficiary | n. one who receives benefits |
bent | n. a natural talent |
berate | v. to scold sharply and at length |
berth | n. a bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping car, etc. |
besmirch | v. to make dirty; to stain |
betoken | v. to signify, indicate, be a sign of |
bibliomaniac | n. one who has a madness for books |
bifurcated | adj. divided into two branches, forked |
aperçu | n. quick reference, outline, sketch, brief overview |
apocryphal | adj. of questionable authenticity |
apothecary | n. druggist; pharmacist |
apellation | n. a name or title |
apprehensive | adj. fearful or anxious, especially about the future |
apt | adj. suitable, fitting, likely; quick to learn |
arable | adj. suitable for growing crops |
arbor | n. a shaded area |
archetype | n. an original model on which something was patterned ; the ideal example of a particular type of person or thing |
aristocratic | adj. of noble birth, snobbish |
arrogate | v. to claim or take without right |
ascendency | n. domination; growing power |
askew | adj. twisted to one side, crooked, dissaprovingly |
aspire | v. to have ambitious hopes or plans |
assiduity | n. constant or close attention to what one is doing |
assuage | v. to make easier or milder, to relieve, quiet, or calm |
astute | adj. showing practical wisdom, smart |
atomistic | adj. focusing on the features or components of objects rather than the whole |
attest | v. to bear witness, to affirm to be true or genuine |
attrition | n. a wearing down over time |
augur | v. to predict |
austere | adj. severe or stern in appearance, undecorated |
autocracy | n. rule by one person with unlimited power |
auxiliary | adj. giving assistance or support; n. a helper or aid |
aver | v. to affirm, declare to be true |
agitate | v. to stir up, disturb |
aide-de-camp | n. an officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general |
alacrity | n. brisk and cheerful readiness, eagerness |
alcove | n. a small recess opening off a larger room |
allay | v. to lessen, ease, soothe |
allegience | n. loyalty |
allude | v. to hint at, to refer to indirectly |
aloof | adj. withdrawn, standing apart from others by choice |
amalgam | n. a mixture of multiple things |
ambiguous | adj. open to more than one interpretation |
amelioriate | v. to make better; to improve |
amiss | adj. wrong or imperfect, out of order |
amorous | adj. full of love |
ample | adj. more than enough, large, spacious |
analgesic | n. medication that reduces or eliminates pain |
ancillary | adj. helping, providing assistance; extra, not essential |
anhydrous | adj. without water |
annals | n. historical records |
anode | n. positive electrode |
anomaly | n. something different from the norm |
antecedent | n. a thing or event that existed before or logically precedes another |
antenatal | adj. before birth |
anthropomorphic | adj. having human characteristics |
antipathy | n. strong dislike |
antithesis | n. the direct opposite |
abase | v. to humiliate or degrade |
aberration | n. something that differs from the norm |
abject | adj. miserable and wretched |
abominate | v. to have an intense dislike or hatred for |
abrade | v. to wear away by friction; scrape; erode |
abrupt | adj. sudden and unexpected |
abstain | v. to choose not to do something |
abut | v. to border upon, adjoin, be next to |
accentuate | v. to make more noticeable or prominent, to highlight |
accord | n. agreement |
accrue | v. to grow or accumulate over time |
acme | n. the highest point |
acquit | v. to find not guilty of a fault or crime |
actuate | v. to move to action, to trigger |
ad hoc | adj. for this specific purpose |
addendum | n. a thing that is added; an appendix or addition to a book or written document |
adhere | v. to stick to |
adjunct | n. something added to something else as helpful or useful but not essential; adj. added or attached |
adorn | v. to make more beautiful or attractive |
advent | n. an arrival |
affable | adj. friendly |
affinity | n. a likeness, a natural relationship, a kinship |
affliction | n. anything causing great suffering |
aforesaid | adj. previously mentioned |
aggregate | v. to gather, to accumulate; adj. total |