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il negozio
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il centro commerciale
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9BF vocab revision

vocab revision for Bella Figura reading task

il negozio the shop
il centro commerciale the shopping centre
il grande magazzino the department store
le marche the brands
la via the street/way
la moda fashion
i soldi money
una maglia a jumper
una maglietta a t-shirt
una camicia a shirt
una giacca a jacket
una gonna a skirt
i pantaloni pants/trousers
le scarpe shoes
l’abbigliamento clothing
gli abiti / i vestiti clothing / outfits
qualcosa da mettermi something to wear
niente da mettermi nothing to wear
estate summer
inverno winter
autunno autumn
primavera spring
oggi today
domani tomorrow
ieri yesterday
mattina morning
giorno day
pomeriggio afternoon
sera evening
Aiuto! Help!
Ho bisogno di I need
fare bella figura to make a good impression
fare brutta figura to make a bad impression
fare una figuraccia to make a terrible impression
fare spese to go shopping
dare un’occhiata guardare
andare in giro to go around
aiutare to help
vestirsi to dress
indossare to wear
comprare to buy
pensare to think
trovare to find
pulire to clean
spendere to spend
provare to try
sperare to hope
ricordare to remember/remind
avere to have
aiutare to help
si veste (from ‘vestirsi’) wears clothing
rilassato relaxed
un look formale a formal look
un look casual a casual look
un look sportivo a sporty look
fichissimo ubercool/amazing/hot/gorgeous
lussuoso luxurious
costoso expensive
economico cheap
ossessionato obsessed
interessato interested
Created by: LaProf
Popular Italian sets




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