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English CR Less. 1&2

This set is on Classical Roots Lesson 1 and 2 for 11 honors english w/ mrs.thib.

What does CREDO, CREDERE, CREDIDI, and CREDITUM mean in Latin? To Believe
(tr.v) To authorize; to certify; to believe. Accredit
(noun) Belief; acceptance as true. Credence
(adj.) Deserving praise. Creditable
(adj.) Believing too easily; gullible Credulous
(noun) A statement of belief or principle. Creed
What does DEUS mean in Latin? God
(tr.v.) To make a god of. Deify
(noun) A god or goddess. Deity
What does DIVINO, DIVINARE, DIVINAVI, and DIVINSTUM mean in Latin? To Foretell
What does DIVINUS mean in Latin? Divine
(tr.v.) 1. To foretell by supernatural means. 2. To know by intuition or insight. Divine
1. (noun) A god or goddess; a divine being. 2. The state of being divine. 3. The study of Christian Theology. Divinity
What does THEOS mean in Greek? God
1. (noun) Making a god of something; deification. Apotheosis
(noun) Gov't by divine power or priests. Theocracy
(noun) All the gods of a people or religion, (when capitalized, ______ (insert word) refers to the circular-domed temple in Rome built in 27 B.C. and dedicated to all the gods.) Pantheon
(noun) A person who believes there is NO god. Atheist
(noun) The study of Religion. Theology
(noun) Identifying god with nature; belief in all gods. Pantheism
(noun) A meager portion of anything, especially in allowance or salary. Pittance
(adj.) Sacrilegious; profane, lacking appropriate reverence or respect. Impious
(noun) Religious devotion; great respect towards something, especially parents. Piety
(tr. v.) To make amends for; to atone for. Expiate
What does PIO, PIARE, PIAVI, and PIATUM mean in Latin? - To appease - To purify (with sacred rites)
(adj.) 1. Written with pictures to represent sound or meaning of words. 2. Hard to read. Hieroglyphic
(noun) A group organized by rank. Hierarchy
What does HIEROS mean in GREEK??? Holy Sacred Supernatural
(noun) A sacred place; any place of refugee. Sancturary
(noun) Godliness; holiness. Sanctity
1. (noun) Approval; support; permission. 2. (usually plural) A penalty for breaking with a law or custom. 3. (tr. v.) To approve; to encourage. Sanction
(adj.) Pretending to be righteous. Sanctimonious
What does SANCTUS mean in Latin? Holy
(adj.) Sacred - often used ironically). Sacrosanct
(noun) Disrespect to something regarded as sacred. Sacrilege
(noun) Something considered to have sacred significance. Sacrament
(tr. v.) To denounce as vile or evil; to curse; to detest. Execrate
1. (tr. v.) To make or declare something sacred. Consecrate
What does SACER mean in Latin? Sacred
Created by: Mae35
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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