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Shopping & money p69

Shopping and money matters pg 69

Abteilung department
Apotheke chemists
aufmachen to open
Ausverkauf clearance sale
ausgeben to spend
Auswahl selection, choice
Baeckerei bakery
Bank bank
bestellen to order
billig cheap
Buchhandlung bookshop
Debitkarte debit card
Drogerie chemists
Einkaeufe machen to do one's shopping
einkaufen to buy
einkaufen gehen to go shopping
Einkaufszentrum shopping centre, amll
Groesse size
Hut hat
kaufen to buy
Kaufhaus department store
Kleingeld (small or loose) change
Kasse till, cash desk, checkout
kosten to cost
Kreditkarte credit card
Kunde/Kundin customer, client
Laden small shop
Leder leather
Muenze coin
oeffen to open
Plastik(tuete) (plastic) bag
Portemonnaie purse, wallet
Preis price
preiswert good value, inexpensive, cheap
Rechnung bill
Reisescheck traveller's cheque
Schaufenster shop window
Schaufensterbummel window shopping
Scheck cheque
schliebben to close
Schlussverkauf end of season sale
Schmuckgeschaeft jewellery shop
Schreibwarengeschaeft stationary shop
Selbstbedienung self-service
Souvenirladen souvenir, gift shop
sparen to save
Sparkasse savings bank
Supermarkt supermarket
Suesswarengeschaeft sweet shop
Tasche bag
Taschengeld pocket money
teuer expensive
verkaufen to sell
Verkaeufer/in sales assistant, shopkeeper
Markt market
Metzgerei butcher's shop
Wechselstube bureau de change
wie viel(e) how much, how many
Created by: MightyWarrior
Popular German sets




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