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NETW202 Ch 4
OSI Transport Layer
Question | Answer |
Flow Control | the management of data flow between devices in a network. It is used to avoid too much data arriving before a device can handle it, causing data overflow. |
Control Data | data that directs a process. a flag in a data-link frame is an example of control data. |
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) | An organization that assigns the numbers important to the proper operation of the TCP/IP protocol and the Internet, including assigning globally unique IP addresses. |
Well-known Ports | Ports 0 to 1023 |
Registered Ports | Ports 1024 to 49151 |
Dynamic or Private Ports | Ports 49152 to 65535 |
URG | Urgent pointer field significant. A 1-bit flag in the TCP header used to indicate that the receiving host should notify the destination process to do urgent processing. |
ACK | Acknowledgement field significant. A 1-bit flag in the TCP header that indicates the acknowledgement field is valid. |
PSH | Push function. A 1-bit flag in the TCP header that is used to request to the higher layers for immidiate delivery of the packet. |
RST | Reset the connection. A 1-bit flag in the TCP header that is used to request that a connection be re-established. |
SYN | Synchronize sequence numbers. A 1-bit flag in the TCP header used to indicate the initial value of the sequence number. The SYN flag is only set in the first two segments of the 3-way TCP connection establishment sequence. |
FIN | No more data from sender. A 1-bit field in the TCP header that is used by a device that wants to terminate its session with the other device. This is done by inserting the FIN flag in the flag field found in the TCP segment. |
Acknowledgement | A notification sent from one network device to another to confirm that some event has occured, such as receipt of a message. |
Windows Size | As filed in the TCP header that is set in a sent segment, signigies the maximum amount of the unacknowledged data the host is willing to receive before the other sending host must wait for an acknowledgement. Used for flow control. |
What port number is used by HTTP? | Port 80 TCP |
What port number is used by SMTP? | Port 25 TCP |
What are two characteristics of TCP? | Reliability and it resends anything not received. (Also a connection oriented protocol) |
At the transport layer, what controls is used to keep a transmitting host from overflowing the buffers of a receiving host? | TCP uses flow Control to avoid buffer overflows. |
End systems use port numbers to select the proper application. What is the lowest port number that can be dynamically assigned by the host system? 1, 128, 256, or 1024? | 1024; Ports 1024 through 59151 are the registered ports and are used by the host for dynamic port allocation. |
During data transfer, what is the receiving host responsible for? Give two answers | Acknowledgment & Reassembly |
What are the transport layer's responsibilities? | Keeping track of individual conversations between applications on source/destination hosts. OR Segmenting data and adding a header to identify and manage each segment |
Why does TCP use a sequence number in the header? | Sequence numbers are used because segments could arrive at their destination in a different order that when they were sent. The numbers allow the receiving host to reassemble them in the proper order. |
What determines how much data a sending host running TCP/IP can transmit before it must receive an acknowledgment? | It depends on the Window Size. |
What is the purpose of TCP?UDP port numbers? | To track the different conversations crossing the network at the same time. |
What does segmentation provide to communications? | Segmentation of the data, in accordance with the transport layer protocols, provides the means to both send and receive data when running multiple applications concurrently on a computer. |
In networking, what is reliability? | It means ensuring that each segment that the source sends arrives at the destination. |
List three network applications that use TCP. | Web browsing, E-mail, and file transfer. |
List three network applications that use UDP. | DNS, Video Streaming, and Voice over IP (VoIP) |
What is contained in the header of each segment or data-gram? | The source and destination port number. |
What is the purpose of sequence numbers? | A sequence number allows the transport layer function on the destination host to reassemble segments in the order in which they were transmitted. |