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Europe - 6th Grade

European Geography, Government, and History

Vladamir Lenin Leader of the Russian Revolution, who brought communism to Russia and established the Soviet Union.
Tsar Nicholas Monarch of Russia who was overthrown during the Russian Revolution.
Treaty of Versailles Agreement that ended World War I. Forced Germany to pay reparations, limit military, and give up land.
Reparations Money Germany was forced to pay to Great Brittain and France after World War I
Allies in WWI Great Britain, Russia, France, Serbia, and the United States
Allies in WWII Great Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States
Central Powers Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Ottoman Empire during World War I
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II
Communism System of government, in which the government owns everything and distributes to citizens. Goal is to eliminate social classes. System of government in Soviet Union.
Presidential Democracy System of goverment, in which citizens vote directly for their president. Russia has a presidential democracy.
Parliamentary Democracy System of government, in which citizens vote for parliament. Then parliament votes for the Chancellor or Prime Minister. Germany and the United Kingdom have this government.
Autocracy System of government, in which citizens do not have rights and can not vote. Nazi Germany and Communist Soviet Union were autocracies.
Berlin Wall A physical wall built to separate East Berlin from West Berlin
Iron Curtain A metaphor used to describe the difference between Eastern Europe (which was mostly communist) and Western Europe (which had democracy) after World War II.
Cold War Tension between the United States and Soviet Union, which lasted from the end of World War II until the fall of the Soviet Union in early 1990s.
Nazi Party Political party in Germany that was led by Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler Leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.
Holocaust Killing of 6 million Jews, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party
Propaganda Biased information. Used by Nazis to rally anger against Jews.
Prejudice Biased opinion
Inflation Economic situation, in which prices are high and money has little purchasing power.
Depression Economic situation, in which many people can not find jobs and do not have enough money for basic needs.
Monarch King, Queen, or Tsar. A leader who is not elected, but comes into power based on their family.
Dictator Leader in an autocracy. Has complete power and does not give voting rights to citizens. Lenin and Hitler were both dictators.
Aftermath Effects of an event
Created by: user-1622793
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