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Civics Koplitz

Chapter 1 review

Popular Sovereignty government by consent of of the governed
Aliens non-citizens
Census population count taken by the Census Bureau
Majority rule what MOST people want
Civics Study of the rights and duties of citizens
Immigrants People who move into a foreign country
Representative democracy Citizens choose a smaller group to represent them, make laws, and govern on their behalf
Naturalization foreign people who choose to become U.S. citizens by a legal process
Direct democracy all the citizens meet to debate government matters and vote first-hand
Monarchy A heredity ruler
Totalitarianism Government's control extends to almost all aspects of people's lives
Immigration quotas Limited number of immigrants coming into the country annually; 675,000 in 2020
How often is the Census taken and what it is for Every 10 years; counts how many people and uses quality data about its people to improve the economy
Change in immigration policy welcoming those who want to work and produce and contribute
Main steps in naturalization process: Eligibility and application, pass exam, oath of allegiance
Levels of U.S. Government in order of highest to lowest: National - State - County - City - township
Naturalized citizens pledge allegiance to: U.S. Constitution
2 ways to become U.S. citizen: born in the U.S. and nationalization
8 basic American values: Freedom, equality, opportunity, justice, democracy, unity, respect, tolerance
4 functions of government: Keep order, provide security, provide services, guide the community
3 Ways to lose citizenship: Treason, become a citizen of another country, attaining citizenship illegally
American traditions: Celebrating holidays, sports, state/ county fairs are examples
Created by: maplelakesped
Popular American Government sets




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