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Ambivalent Ambivalente
Apathy Apatía
Autonomy Autonomía
Benevolent Benevolente
Blanched Blanqueado
Bolster Reforzar
Bucolic Bucólico
Callous Calloso
Cantankerous Cascarrabias
Capricious Caprichoso
Chicanery Sofística
Churlish Poco afable
Cohesive Cohesivo
Concur Concurrir
Cryptic Críptico
Decimation Ejecución
Deft skilful
Hábil hábil
Delinquency Delincuencia
Depravity Depravación
Desolate Solitario
Devoid of Desprovisto de
Didactic Didáctico
Disingenuous Falso
Dispassionate Desapasionado
Disposition Disposición
Dissent Disentimiento
Effusive Efusivo
Endorse Endosar
Enigma Enigma
Enumerate Enumerar
Ephemeral Efímero
Erroneous Erróneo
Erudition Erudición
Esoteric Esotérico
Fabrication Fabricación
Facetious Chistoso
Factions facciones
Flotsam Pecio
Fostered Adoptivo
Hackneyed Trillado
Harbored albergado
Hodgepodge Mezcolanza
Hypothetical Hipotético
Impetuous Impetuoso
Implacable Implacable
Impugned Impugnado
Incorrigible Incorregible
Indigenous Indígena
Ineffable Inefable
Irascible Irascible
Ironic Irónico
Lament Lamento
Languid Lánguido
Lassitude Lasitud
Lugubrious Lúgubre
Mercurial Mercurial
Misnomer Nombre equivocado
Mollified apaciguado
Multifaceted Multifacético
Mundane Mundano
Nostalgic Nostálgico
Obtrusive Entrometido
Omnipotent Omnipotente
Pedagogy Pedagogía
Phlegmatic Flemático
Plausible Plausible
Precursor Precursor
Preeminence Preeminencia
Pretentious Pretencioso
Prognosis Pronóstico
Prolific Prolífico
Provocative Provocativo
Raiment Vestido
Reciprocate Corresponder
Reconcile Conciliar
Remiss Descuidado
Remonstrance Protesta
Resilient Resiliente
Retrenchment Reducción
Robust Robusto
Skeptical Escéptico
Skewed sesgado
Stringent Riguroso
Subtle Sutil
Succinct Sucinto
Sundry Diversos
Sustenance Sustento
Tenable Sostenible
Tenuous Tenue
Torrid Tórrido
Undermine Socavar
Underscore Guion bajo
Unequivocal Inequívoco
Vector Vector
Verbose Verboso
Whimsical Caprichoso
Wistful Anhelante
Created by: Sr. Guinn
Popular Spanish sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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