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Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms, Directional Terms, General Types

Cranial towards the head
Caudal towards the tail
Ventral underside/belly Sternal Recumbency
Dorsal Back side Dorsal Recumbency
Lateral Sides (include outer limbs) R/L lateral recumbency
Medial midline + inner limbs
Ausculate listening to the chest/abdomen with a stethoscope
Palpate feeling/examining with hands
Pan -- all
Oste/o bone
Arthor/o Joints
Chondr/o cartilage
-- itis inflammation of
-- otomy to cut
-- tomy to cut
-- oma Tumor
-- cyte Cell
-- osis Condition of
Arthritis Inflammation of Joint
Panosteitis Inflammation of all bones
Osteritis Inflammation of a bone
Osteomyelitis inflammation of a bone
Osteotomy Bone cutting (for surgery)
Osteoma Bone Tumor
Chordrosis Condition of Cartilage
Arthrosis Condition of Joints
Ligament bone -- bone
Tendons Bone -- muscle
Cytology Study of Cells
Histology Study of Tissue
Hierarch of Body Order Cell: unit of life -- Tissue: grops of cells -- Organs: tissues together -- Organ System: organs working together
1kg = 2.2 lb
1lb = 0.45kg
Inflamation Signs Pain Swell Red Heat/Temperature
Joint Types Ball & Socket (shoulder, hip) Hinge (Elbow, Knee)
Joint Landmarks Shoudler Elbow Hip Knee (stifle) Ankle (hock)
Tissue Types Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous
Epithelial tissue out most layer (skin) - absorbs nutrients - secretes (movement within) & excertes (exits out system)
Connective tissue Connects to bone IE: Ligaments --> bone to bone Space Fillers --> Cartilage
Muscular tissue stabilizes joints contracts & extent movement
Nervous tissue relay message throughout body
Organ groups of tissue IE: Kidney, Liver, Heart
Organ System oragns working together IE: Circulatory system (blood, O2, H2O)
Articulate speak well
Articulation joint movement
Types of bones (+examples) Irregular --> spine, temporal Long --> Femur, Humerus Short --> Tarsal & Carpal Sasamoid --> Patella/kneecap Flat --> ribs, skull, scapula
Proximal closer to body
Distal Farther from body
Cost/o ribs
Inter - Between
Intra - within or inside
Femoral pertaining to Femur (largest single bone)
Femoral Artery detecting pulse
Intercostal Spine between 4th and 5th Rb
Created by: chanfamily
Popular Veterinary sets




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