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Worksheet 8

Vet 100

arthralgia (arthr/algia) joint/pain, pertaining to joint pain
atonic (a/ton/ic) without/tone/pertaining to, without tone, relaxed
atrophy (a/trophy) without/nourishment, decreased development or growth
carpus wrist
costal (cost/al) rib/pertaining to, pertaining to the rib
crepitation (crepit/a/tion) rattle/condition of, noise made from bone rubbing against bone
cruciate cross-like shape, ligament in the knee which provides stability
dewclaw first digit (thumb) on the foot which can be loosely attached
digit finger or toe
dysplasia (dys/plas/ia) difficult/molding/pertaining to, poor conformation
hock ankle
hypertrophy (hyper/trophy) increased/nourishment, increased development or growth
luxation displacement
onychectomy (onych/ectomy) finger nail/surgical removal of, declawing
ostectomy (oste/ectomy) bone/surgical removal of, surgical removal of a bone
osteoarthritis (osteo/arthr/itis) bone/joint/inflammation of, inflammation of the bone & joint
osteomyelitis (osteo/myel/itis) bone/marrow/inflammation of, inflammation of the bone & marrow
osteosarcoma (osteo/sarc/oma) bone/tissue/tumor, malignant tumor of the bone tissue
panosteitis (pan/oste/itis) entire/bone/inflammation, inflammation of the entire bone
patella knee cap
polydactyl (poly/dactyl) many/digits, unusual increased # of toes
stifle knee joint
tarsus ankle joint
tetany (tetan/y) convulsive tension/process of, extreme muscle spasms
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
CHD canine hip dysplasia
Fx fracture
IM intramuscular
IVDD intervertebral disc disease
MS musculoskeletal (system)
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OFA Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
RADS radiographs
Created by: kylee.chapin
Popular Veterinary sets




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