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Puentes ch.3 p.88-10

chapter 3 lesson 1 (family and descriptions and adjectives)

una familia a family
de tamano mediano/grande/pequena of medium/large/small size
somos seis there are six of us
Como son tus hermanas? What are your siblings like?
la menor the youngest
la mayor the oldest
la de en medio the middle child
intelignete intelligent
el/la hermano/a mayor the older sister/brother
soltero/a single
paterno/a paternal
reunir to get together
materno/a maternal
el/la abuelo/a grandfather/mother
nieto/a grandchild
tio/a uncle/aunt
primo/a cousin
sobrino/a nephew/niece
padrino/a godfather/mother
padrastro stepfather
madrastra stepmother
el/la medio hermano/a step sibling
el/la hijastro/a step child
padre parents
parientes relatives
esposo/a de spouse of
no tenemos ninguno we don't have any
tenemos varios animales domesticos we have several pets
un perro dog
un gato cat
unos pajaros some birds
unos peces tropicales some tropical fish
un hamster hamster
elle se parece mucho a she looks a lot like
alto/a tall
bajo/a short
do estatura mediana of medium-height
el pelo hair
los ojos eyes
atletico/a athletic
sociable friendly
simpatico/a nice
delagado/a slender/thin
gordo/a fat
joven young
viejo/a, mayor old/elderly
guampo/a good-looking
feo/a ugly
calvo/a bald
negro black
azule blue
rubio/a blond
verde green
castano/a brown
color miel hazel
rojo/a red
canoso/a gray
tenir barba to have a beard
tenir bigote to have a mustache
tenir pecas to have freckles
llevar gagas/anteojos to wear glasses
antipatico/a unpleasant
timido/a shy
extrovertido/a outgoing
amable kind
cruel cruel
educado/a well mannered
maleducado/a rude/ill mannered
carinoso/a warm/affectionate
frio/a cold
honesto/a honest
mentiroso/a a liar
muy very
comprensivo/a understanding
indiferente uncaring
serio/a serious
divertido/a fun(to be with)
bueno/a good
malo/a bad
perezoso/a lazy
trabajador hard working
optimista optimistic
pesimista pessimistic
(ir)responsable (ir)responsible
les -l (make plural)
dores -dor (make plural)
doras -dora (make plural)
-istas -ista (make plural)
-vowel + s -vowel (make plural)
-consonant + es -consonant (make plural)
_______ go after nouns adjectives go ______ nouns
gran when singular and goes before noun grande
buen/mal for masculine when before nouns/goes before or after noun/plural and feminine don't drop letters bueno/malo
mas (adjective/adverb/noun) que more (adjective/adverb/noun) than
menos (adjective/adverb/noun) que less (adjective/adverb/noun) que
tan (adjective/adverb)como as (adjective/adverb) as
menor que younger than
mayor que older than
mejor que better than
peor que worse than
tanto/a/os/as (noun) como as much/many (noun) as
(verb) tanto como (verb) as much as
el/la/los/las (optional noun) mas (adjective) de (group) the (optional noun) most(adjective) of (group)
el/la/los/las (optional noun) menos (adjective) de (group) the (optional noun) least(adjective) of (group)
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