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Puentes ch.3 p.01-26

chapter 3 lesson 2 and 3 (house and reflexives)

acabar de comprar to buy
una nueva case a new house
mudarse a moved to
alquilar rented
dos pisos two rooms
seis cuartos six rooms
una alfombra rug
una banera/una tina bathtub
una cama bed
una cocina kitchen
un comedor dining room
una comoda chest of drawers/dresser
un cuadro painting/picture
un dormitorio bedroom
una ducha shower
un estante book shelf
una estufa/una cocina stove
un fregadero (kitchen) sink
un inodoro toilet
una lampara lamp
un lavabo sink/lavatory
un lavaplatos dishwasher
una mesa table
una mesita small table/end table
una mesita de noche night stand
un microondas microwave
una nevera/un refrigerador refrigerator/fridge
una sala living room
unas sillas some chairs
un sillon easy chair
un sofa sofa/couch
un televisor tv
nuevo/a new
viejo/a old
de estilo moderno modern
de estilo tradicional traditionally styled
grande big
pequeno/a small
de tamano mediano of medium size
elegante elegant
barato/a inexpensive
caro/a cheap
informale casual
estar amueblado to be furnished
en buenos/as condiciones in good condition
en malos/as condiciones in bad condition
normalmente normally
(des)ordenado/a (un)tidy/(not)neat
limpia clean
sucia dirty
estar descompuesto to be not working
estar rota to be broken
en las cortinas on the curtains
a la izquierda del estante to the left of the bookshelf
a la derecha del estante to the right of the bookshelf
sobre la cama on (top of) the bed
encima de la mesita on top of the end table
detras del telefono behind the telephone
entre los libros between/among the books
al lado de la computadora next to/beside the computer
delante del closet in front of the closet
dentro de la gaventa de la comoda inside the drawer of the chest
debajo de la cama under(neath) the bed
en la mochila in the bookbag
en el medio del cuarto in the middle of the room
estar for locations of people and things/emotional conditions/physical conditions
ser with nouns to identify the subject by relationship, occupation, profession, nationality, or other categories/with adjectives to describe characteristics and traits/with de for ownership and origin/time and dates/location of events
rapidamente quickly
para divertirnos for fun
cenar to eat supper
por lo general generally
bastante tarde quite late
verbs that end in -se me nos te os se se -these are at the end if they are infinitives -use el/la/los/las with parts of the body -things done to yourself/can be used non-reflexively reflexives
afeitarse to shave
arreglarse to fix oneself up/to get oneself ready
banarse to take a bath/to bathe
ducharse to take a shower
levantarse to get up
lavarse el pelo/las manos/la cara/los dientes to wash hair/hands/face/teeth
maquillarse to put on make up
peinarse to comb hair
quitarse to take off(clothing)
ponerse(yo pongo) to put on
acostarse(o->ue) to go to bed
dormirse(o->ue) to fall asleep
divertirse(e->ie) to have a good time
despertarse(e->ie) to wake up
sentarse(e->ie) to sit down
sentirse(e->ie) to feel
vestirse(e->i) to get dressed
despedirse(e->i) to say good bye
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