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Education terminology

el auditorio auditorium
el aula de clase classroom
la biblioteca library
la cafetería cafeteria
los campos deportivos sports fields
la clínica clinic
el gimnasio gymnasium
el laboratorio laboratory
la oficina office
el pasillo hallway
la sala de computadoras computer room
la sala de musica music room
el salón de clase classroom
la cancha de baloncesto basketball court
los casilleros lockers
el laboratorio de biologia biology lab
el teatro theater
las partes de la escuela parts of school
las profesiones en la escuela professions in school
el director principal
la directora principal
el asistente del director vice principal (male)
la asistente del director vice principal (female)
el maestro teacher (male)
la maestra teacher (female)
el profesor professor (male)
la profesor professor (female)
el recepcionista receptionist (male)
la recepcionista receptionist (female)
el secretario secretary (male)
la secretaria secretary (female)
el consejero school counselor (male)
la consejera scool counselor (female)
el enfermero nurse (male)
la enfermera nurse (female)
el entrenador coach (male)
la entrenadora coach (female)
las asignaturas subjects
Algebra algebra
Arte are
Banda band
Ciencias Sociales Social Sciences
Coro Choir
Dibujo Drawing
Educación Cívica Government
Educación Física Physical Education
Frances French
Geografia Geography
Biologia Biology
Calculo Calculus
Danza Dance
Fisica Physics
Geometria Geometry
Informatica Computer Science
Literatura Literature
Matemáticas Math
Orquesta Orchestra
Salud Health
Trigonometria Trigonometry
Popular Spanish sets



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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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