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8.1 Actitudes racist
8.1 Actitudes racistas y xenófobas en la España de ayer y hoy
palabra/expresión | significado |
La actitud | Attitude |
El aguante | Resilience |
Amenazar | To threaten |
Arraigado | Rooted |
Arribar | To arrive (normally on a boat) |
Asediar | To bother, pester |
El ataque racista | Racist attack |
Atar | To tie |
Atreverse a | To dare |
Azotar | To whip |
Bautizar | To baptise |
Burlarse de | To make fun of, to ridicule |
El colectivo | Group |
El/la consejero/a | Advisor |
La Corona | Crown |
Criticar | To criticise |
La crueldad | Cruelty |
Dar el alto | To stop |
Dar luz verde a | To give the go-ahead |
Los derechos humanos | Human rights |
Desatar | To trigger, to unleash |
Desplegar (despliego) | To unfold |
Echar | To throw out, to kick out |
El edicto | Edict, decree |
Enriquecer | To enrich |
Espiar a | To spy on |
Estar (estoy) perjudicado por | To be damaged, affected by |
El estupor | Astonishment |
La expulsión | Expulsion |
El/la extremista | Extremist |
Fronterizo | Borderline |
La fusta | Whip |
Girar | To turn |
El golpe | Blow |
El grupo antirracista | Anti-racism group |
Herir a alguien | To hurt someone |
Hiero a alguien | I hurt someone |
Incitar a | To encourage |
Incumplir | To fail to carry out, to renege on |
Influenciar | To influence |
Injuriar | To insult, to tarnish |
La inquisición | Inquisition |
Inseguro | Insecure |
Invadir | To invade |
El juicio | Trial |
Legislar | To legislate |
Llevar a cabo | To carry through, accomplish |
La locura | Madness |
La lucha | Fight |
Maltratar | To abuse, mistreat |
Malvivir | To scrape out a living |
Manejar | To manage, handle |
Merecer (merezco) | To deserve |
Obedecer | To obey |
El odio | Hate |
Optar por | To opt for |
La pancarta | Placard, banner |
La pandilla | Gang |
La permanencia | Stay |
Perseguir | To persecute |
Persigo | I persecute |
El pincho | Spike |
Proponer | To suggest, propose |
Propongo | I suggest, I propose |
Puro | Pure |
El rechazo | Rejection |
El reino | Kingdom |
La resistencia | Resistence |
Solicitar | To request |
La sospecha | Suspicion |
La sublevación | Mutiny, uprising |
Tentación | Temptation |
Torturar | To torture |
El trámite | Process, procedure |
El velo | Veil |
Vergonzoso | Shameful |
Vilipendiar | To vilify, to disrespect |
Vilmente | Vilely, viciously |
Xenófobo | Xenophobic |