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Psych Ex 2 Ch 7


Learning Process of acquiring through new experience and relatively enduring info and behaviors
Behaviorism was formulated by? John B Watson
Behaviorism -Behaviors are learned from the environment -Inate and inherited factors have little influence on behavior
Classical conditioning -Type of learning in which we link 2 or more stimuli -The first stimulus comes to elicit behavior in anticipation of second stimulus
Who thought of classical conditioning? Ivan Pavlov
How was classical conditioning tested? By feeding dog
Neutral Stimuli (NS) Stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus (US) Stimulus that unconditionally (naturally and automatically) triggers an unconditional response
Unconditioned response Unlearned and naturally occuring response to us
Conditioned response (CR) Learned response to previously neutral stimulus
Conditioned stimulus Neutral stimulus associated with US comes to trigger cr
Acquistion -Initial stage -When one links a neutral stimulus and an US so that the NS begins triggering CR
Extinction Diminishing of CR // when an US does not follow a CS
Spontaneous recovery Reappearance after a pause of a weakened CR
Generalization Stimulus generalization // tendency after CR for stimuli similar to CS to elicit similar response
Discrimination Learned ability to distinguish between CS and similar stimuli that don't signal US
Clinical applications of classical conditioning Exposure therapy, dog and food, boy and rat, systematic desensitization
Systematic desentization Treats phobias (fear hierarchy, reciprocal inhibition)
Operant conditioning Type of learning in which a behavior becomes more likely to recover if followed by a reinforcer
Who started operant conditioning? B.F. Skinner
Law of effect Behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely
Who came up with law of effect? Thorndike's principal
Reinforcement Any event that strengthens the behavior it followed
Positive rein. Incr in behaviors by presenting pos. rein.
Negative reinforcement Incr in behaviors by stopping/reducing neg stimuli
Stimulus in negative reinforcement Stim is removed after response and response strengthens
Stimulus in positive reinforcement Stim is presented after response and and response strengthens
Shaping Reinforces guide behavior toward closer approximations of desired behaviors
Punishment Event that tends to decrease the behavior that it followed
Negative punishment Administer an aversive stimulus
Pos punishment Withdraw a rewarding stimulus
Reinforcement schedules Pattern that defines how often a desired response will be reinforced
Continuous reinforcement Reinforcing desired response everytime it occurs
Partial (intermittent) reinforcement schedules Reinforcing response part of the time, results in slow acquisition but inc resistance to extinction
Fixed ratio Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses
Response rate: fixed ratio high response rate with pauses after reinforcement
Variable ratio Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses
Response rate: variable ratio high/steady response rate
Fixed interval Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
Response rate: fixed interval Moderate response rate with sig pauses after rein
Variable interval Reinforces a response rate at unpredictable time intervals
Response rate: variable interval Moderate and steady response rate
Application of operant conditioning School, sports, computer programs, work, parenting -Behavior modification -Token behavior
Behavior modification Applicant of operant conditioning technique to modify behavior - treats: adhd, ocd, and phobias
Token behavior When patients did good, they got a token to spend (emphases pos rein)
Social Learning Theory Observation/modeling play a primary role in how or why ppl learn
Who came up with social learning theory Albert Bandura // exceeds watson/skinner
Observational learning Higher animals (humans) learn without direct experience by watching others
Modeling Process of observing/imitating a specific behavior (vicarious rein and punishment)
Created by: MikalahQuillen
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