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Sido Spat Nach Haus

German vocab from Spat nach haus

Hab Have [hahb]
wieder again [vee-der]
mal times/once [mahl]
geschlafen slept [geh-shlah-fen]
auf on [owf]
der the (masculine) [dayr]
Couch couch [kowch]
Sonne sun [zon-neh]
geht goes [gayt]
gleich soon/equal [glykh]
Ich I [ikh]
mal times/paint [mahl]
dein'n your (informal) [dynen]
Namen name [nah-men]
in in [in]
den the (masculine acc.) [dayn]
Staub dust [shtowb]
Wann when [vahn]
wirfst throw [veerfst]
du you [doo]
mich me [mikh]
raus out [rows]
bin am [bin]
Studio studio [shtoo-dee-oh]
weißt know [vysht]
was what [vahs]
das that [dahs]
heißt means [hyst]
Papa dad [pah-pah]
ist is [ist]
am at/on [ahm]
Ackern toiling [ah-kern]
kein no [kyn]
Preis price [prys]
ohne without [oh-neh]
Fleiß diligence [flyss]
Mittlerweile meanwhile [mit-luh-vy-luh]
halb half [halb]
drei three [dry]
breit wide/buzzed [bryt]
immer always [im-mer]
wenn if/when [ven]
fragst ask [frahgst]
wo where [voh]
bleib stay [blyb]
sag say [zahg]
Gleich soon/equal [glykh]
schickst send [shikst]
Anker anchor [ahn-ker]
treib drive [trayb]
weit far [vyt]
willst want [vilst]
Beweis proof [beh-vys]
schreib write [shryb]
leid sorry [lyd]
seh'n see [zayn]
sind are [zind]
Streiten argue [stry-ten]
wegen because of [veh-gen]
Scheiß crap [shyss]
warst were [varst]
oft often [oft]
allein alone [ah-layn]
Zeit time [tsyte]
wurdest became [voor-dest]
Eis ice [ys]
legst lay [legst]
Decke blanket [dek-uh]
stampfe stomp [shtahmp-feh]
torkelnd staggering [tor-kelnd]
Haus house [hows]
laut loud [lowt]
hoff hope [hof]
wecke wake [veh-keh]
nicht not [nikht]
auf up [owf]
Liebling darling [lee-bling]
was what [vahs]
nur only [noor]
uns us [oons]
geworden became [geh-vor-den]
deckst cover [dekst]
zu to [tsoo]
guten good [goo-ten]
Morgen morning [mor-gen]
bist are [bist]
da there [dah]
brauch need [browkh]
komm come [kom]
spät late [shpayt]
nach after [nahkh]
Haus house [hows]
Kann can [kahn]
schlafen sleep [shlah-fen]
Doch but/yet [dohkh]
geb give [geb]
niemals never [nee-mahls]
auf up [owf]
Mein my [myn]
Kopf head [kopf]
drückt presses [drukt]
Wind wind [vind]
wird becomes [veerd]
kalt cold [kalt]
sagst say [zahgst]
klau steal [klow]
Träume dreams [tr-oy-muh]
ehrlich honest [ehr-likh]
kann can [kahn]
sein be [zyn]
rum around [room]
Asche ash [ah-shuh]
viele many [vee-luh]
verbrannt burned [ver-brahnt]
bisschen bit [bish-chen]
scheint shines [shynt]
Sterne stars [shter-neh]
Nacht night [nahkht]
Vielleicht perhaps [fy-lykht]
verliebt in love [ver-leept]
Gedanken thoughts [geh-dahn-ken]
Junge boy [yoon-geh]
damals back then [dahm-ahls]
Blumen flowers [bloom-en]
Tanke gas station [tahn-keh]
heute today [hoy-tuh]
hundert hundred [hoon-dert]
Rosen roses [roh-zen]
Brillanten diamonds [bril-lahn-ten]
Tränen tears [tr-oy-nen]
Marmor marble [mar-mor]
Mann man [mahn]
oft often [oft]
geweint cried [geh-vynt]
Trän'n tears [tr-ahn-n]
regnet rains [reg-net]
Zeit time [tsyte]
Geschenk gift [geh-shenk]
hindern prevent [hin-dern]
geh'n go [gayn]
willst want [vilst]
Created by: JamesT23
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