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Reč po reč 8 B
Osma Lekcija B
Question | Answer |
desilo mi se (desiti se) | It happened to me (to happen) |
da odnesem (odneti) | to take |
kolegi (kolega) | to a colleague (colleague) |
jednom | once |
soliteru (soliter) | in a tower block |
zvonio sam (zvoniti) | I rang (to ring) |
vrata | door |
otvorila je (otvoriti) | she opened the door (to open) |
devončica | small girl |
ušao sam (ući) | I entered (to enter) |
onda | then |
počela je (početi) | she started (to start) |
smeje se (smejati se) | she laughs (to laugh) |
progrešio si (pogrešiti) | you made a mistake (to make a mistake) |
Bilo me je vrlo neprijatno | It was so embarrassed |
hteo sam (hteti) | I wanted (to want) |
Čekaj! | Wait! |
možda | maybe, perhaps |
objasnila je (objasniti) | she explained (to explain) |
iste (isti, -a, -o) | the same (same) |
pomogne (pomoći) | to help |
zaista | really |