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Supervision Test Two

Availability Heuristic The tendency of people to base their judgments on information that is readily available to them
Representative Heuristic The tendency of people to match the likelihood of an occurrence with something they are familiar with
Marginal Analysis A method that helps decision makers optimize returns or minimize costs by dealing with the additional cost in a particular decision, rather than the average cost
Escalation of Commitment An increased commitment to a previous decision despite negative information
Programmed Decision A repetitive decision that can be handled by a routine approach
Well-structured Problems Straightforward, familiar, easily defined problems
Nominal Group Technique A technique that restricts discussion during the decision-making process
Motivation The willingness to do something conditioned on the action’s ability to satisfy some need for the individual
Motivation-Hygiene Theory A theory of Frederick Herzberg that the opposite of satisfaction is not “dissatisfaction" but “no satisfaction” and the opposite of dissatisfaction is not “satisfaction” but “no dissatisfaction.”
Job Design Combining tasks to form complete jobs
Job Enrichment The degree to which a worker controls the planning, execution, and evaluation of his or her work
Pay for Performance Programs Compensation plans that pay employees on the basis of some performance measure
ESOP A compensation program that allows employees to become part owners of an organization by receiving stock as a performance incentive
Visionary Leadership The ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, attractive vision of the future that grows out of, and improves upon, the present
Participative Leadership The leadership style of an individual who actively seeks input from followers for many of the activities in the organization
Situational Leadership Adjustment of a leadership style to specific situations to reflect employee needs
Communication The transference and understanding of meaning
Formal Communication Communication that addresses task-related issues and tends to follow the organization’s authority chain
Nonverbal Communication Communication that is not spoken, written, or transmitted on a computer
Grapevine The means of communication by which most operative employees first hear about important changes introduced by organizational leaders; the rumor mill
Richness of Information A measure of the amount of information that is transmitted based on multiple information cues (words, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonations), immediate feedback, and the personal touch
Active Listening A technique that requires an individual to "get inside” a speaker’s mind to understand the communication from the speaker’s point of view
Performance Appraisal A review of past performance that emphasizes positive accomplishments as well as deficiencies; a means for helping employees improve future performance
Intrinsic Feedback Self-generated feedback
Extrinsic Feedback Feedback provided to an employee by an outside source
Adjective Rating Scale A method of appraisal that uses a scale or continuum that best describes the employee using factors such as quantity and quality of work, job knowledge, cooperation, loyalty, dependability, attendance, honesty, integrity, attitudes, and initiative
Individual Ranking A method that requires supervisors to list all employees in order from the highest to lowest performer
Leniency Error Positive or negative leniency that overstates or understates performance, giving an individual a higher or lower appraisal than deserved
Similarity Error Rating others in a way that gives special consideration to qualities that appraisers perceive in themselves
Recency Error An error that occurs when appraisers recall and give greater importance to employee job behaviors that have occurred near the end of the performance-measuring period
Central Tendency Error Appraisers’ tendency to avoid the "excellent” category as well as the “unacceptable" category and assign all ratings around the “average” or midpoint range
360-Degree Appraisal Performance feedback provided by supervisors, employees, peers, and possibly others
Equity Theory The concept that employees perceive what they can get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into it (inputs), and then compare their input–outcome ratio with the input–outcome ratio of others
Expectancy Theory A theory that individuals analyze effort–performance, performance–rewards, and rewards–personal goals relationships, and their level of effort depends on the strengths of their expectations that these relationships can be achieved
Created by: emileemorton
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