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Documentation SOAP
Documentation SOAP (TU)
Question | Answer |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Mechanism of injury | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Patients report of events leading to injury | Subjective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Results of tests/measures | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Therapists clinical judgment | Assessment |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: interventions | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Results of accessory motion testing of the joint | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Date of injury | Subjective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Passive ROM values | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Sets and reps of exercise | Objective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Medical history | Subjective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Prior level of function | Subjective |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Functional limitations | Subjectives |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Anticipated frequency of visits | Plan |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Expected duration of episode of care | Plan |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Expected intervention categories used during the episode of care | Plan |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Linking of history and tests/measures | Assessment |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Interpretation of benefit of PT | Assessment |
Which section of the SOAP note should the following be placed: Vital signs | Objective |