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Leg. Branch Test

flashcards for freshman honors american studies legislative branch unit

Union group of states
Liberty freedom from government control
Census population count
Nominate to select candidates to run for public office
Temporary lasting or used for a limited time
Justice fairness; rightfulness
Posterity all future generations
Direct Tax tax paid directly by the person or organization on whom it is levied
Caucus private meeting of party leaders to choose candidates for office
Session meeting, class, or assembly where a group sits together
Proceedings event or series of activities involving a formal set or procedure
Domestic having to do with the home; not foreign
Term two-year period of time during which congress meets; time held in office
Apportion distribute (seats in a legislative body)
Sole one and only; single; lone
Expel force to leave
Tranquility peacefulness
Register to record or enroll formally
Resign to give up a job, office, right, or claim
Impeachment formal document charging a public official with misconduct in office
Quorum minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted in congress
Congressional District area that a member of the house represents
Welfare government aid to the poor
Literacy ability to read and write
Vacancy unfilled position
Expire to come to an end
Adjourn to stop proceedings temporarily
Checks & Balances system in which each branch of government has the power to check the other branches
Electoral College group of people directly responsible for electing the president
3/5 Compromise plan to determine the representation and counting of slaves of a state
Amend to revise
Federalism the sharing of powers between the states & federal government
Northwest Ordinance forbade slavery in western lands above the ohio river
Bill of Rights first ten amendments to the constitution
Shays' Rebellion rise of farmers in massachusetts against perceived unfair federal taxes
Anti-Federalist opponents of the constitution - wanted weak central gov
Federalist group who favored constitution - wanted strong central gov
Coins/Makes Money delegated power
Establishes Courts concurrent power
Marriage License reserved power
Driver's License reserved power
Establishes Foreign Policy delegated power
Establishes/Maintains Public Schools reserved power
Father of the Constitution james madison
House in Congress Based on Population house of representatives
House in Congress Based on Equality senate
Federalist Papers essays written to promote the constitution - ratification process
Constitution supreme law of the land
Preamble first section of the constitution - acts as an introduction
Legislative Branch part of the gov that makes laws
Qualification of a US Representative 25+ years old, 7+ years of citizenship, resides in state + district in which they are elected
Executive Branch part of the gov that enforces laws
President chief executive of the united states
Judicial Branch part of the gov that interprets laws
Qualification condition needed to run for political office
Article one of seven main divisions of the body of the constitution
Bicameral legislature consisting of two parts/houses
National of or belonging to the people of a single country
Legislature group of people who have the power to make laws
Bill proposed law
Law body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals & their society
Writ form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act (or abstain from acting) in some way
Qualifications of a Senator 30+ years old, 9+ years of citizenship, resides in state
Vice President president of senate; breaks ties when necessary
Writ of Habeas Corpus court order to explain why they are holding a person
Elastic Clause part of constitution that permits congress to make any laws "necessary and proper" to carrying out its powers
Created by: 20kcaw08
Popular American Government sets




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