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Epsañol 3 - 4B

Una comunidad sostenible

La movilidad mobility
asequible accessible
El bono mensual monthly transportation pass
La calle peatonal pedestrian-only street or zone
El contaminante contaminant
El descuento discount
gratis free
llegar/salir a la hora o puntual to arrive/ leave on time
llegar/salir con retraso to arrive/leave late
abordar to board
El andén platform (at the train station)
Una apuesta bet
La cicloruta bike lane
Golpeada por la violencia hit by violence
La tarjeta cívica public transportation pass in Medellín
El vagón train car
Las vías traffic ways
Los ámbitos area of study
El desplazamiento movement
desplazarse to move
Las mejoras improvements
La minusvalía física physical handicap
La rampa ramp
imitar to imitate
rechazar to reject
recuperar to recuperate
reflejar to show or reflect
respirar to breathe
responsabilizar to make someone responsible for something
restaurar to restore
La superficie surface
suponer/supuesto to suppose
ecohuertas urbanas urban sustainable/"green" garden
El abono fertilizer
Las aromáticas plants or medicinal herbs found in teas
El bolsillo pocket
casero/a homemade
La compostera compost pile
fortalecer to strengthen
La huerta/el huerto vegetable garden
El invernadero greenhouse
El lazo cord or rope
La línea de riego irrigation line/pipe
sembrar to plant
El xerojardín a garden with plants that don't need much water
barato cheap
caro expensive
cómodo comfortable
incómodo uncomfortable
limpio clean
sucio dirty
seguro safe
fiable reliable
peligroso dangerous
la tarjeta card
Created by: osburnj
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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