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Aggettivi list 3
Adjectives to describe ourseleves and others
in gamba | smart / clever |
spiritoso | witty |
simpatico | likeable / nice/ pleasant |
modesto | modest |
bravo | good |
gentile | kind |
carino | cute |
stanco | tired |
birichino | cheeky |
timido | shy / timid |
pigro | lazy |
antipatico | unlikeable / unpleasant |
onesto | honest |
contento | happy |
bugiardo | dishonest / liar |
triste | sad / unhappy |
divertente | entertaining / fun |
comprensivo | understanding |
buffo | funny |
serio | serious |
cattivo | naughty |
robusto | well-built / robust |
grande | big |
alto | tall |
basso | short (height) |
piccolo | small |
giovane | young |
magro | skinny |
leale | loyal / trustworthy |
generoso | generous |
matto | mad / crazy |