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German questions
Question | Answer |
Nominativ: Wer ist das? | Who is that? |
Dativ: Mit wem ist er in die Stadt gegangen? | With whom did he go into town? |
Akkusativ: Wen hat er gesehen? | Whom did he see? |
Genitiv: Wessen Auto ist es? | Whose car is it? |
Nominativ: Welche Person hat das gemacht? | Which person did that? |
Akkusativ? Welchen Mann hat sie erwischt? | Which man did she catch? |
Dativ: Mit welcher Person hat er das Haus verlassen? | With which person did he leave the houe? |
Dativ: Von welchem Problem haben sie gepsrochen? | About which problem did they speak? |
Was erfahren wir über..? | What do we learn about...? |
Was erfährt man über...? | What does one / do we learn about....? |
Was für ...? | What kind of...? |
Was halten Sie davon? | What do you think about that? (formal) |
Was denken Sie darüber? | What do you think about that? (formal) |
Was hältst du davon? | What do you think of it? (informal, singular) |
Was denkst du darüber? | What do you think about it? (informal, singular) |
Wann fährst du normalerweise in Urlaub? | When do you normally go on holidays? (informal, singular) |
Wann fahrt ihr in Urlaub? | When do you go on holidays? (informal, plural, present) |
Wann wirst du in Urlaub fahren? | When will you go on holidays? (informal, singular, future) |
Wann bist du in Urlaub gefahren? | When did you go on holidays? (informal singular perfect) |
Wann werdet ihr in Urlaub fahren? | When will you go on holidays? (informal, plural, future) |
Wann seid ihr in Urlaub gefahren? | When did you go on holidays? (informal, plural, perfect) |
Ab wann wird es stattfinden? | From when onwards will it take place. |
Dativ: Ab welchem Datum...? | From which date....? |
Akkusativ: Welche Pläne hast du für .....? | What/which plans do you have for...? |
Was hast du diesen Sommer vor? | What are your plans for this summer? (informal, singular, preseent, spearable) |
Was wirst du nächsten Sommer tun? | What will you do next summer? (informal, singular, future) |
Was hast du letzten Sommer gemacht? | What did you do last summer? (informal, singular, perfect) |
Was machst du, wenn das Wetter gut ist? | What do you do when the weather is good? (present) |
Was wirst du machen, wenn das Wetter schlecht ist? | What will you do if the weather is bad? (future) |
Was hast du gemacht, wenn das Wetter schlecht war? | What did you do when the weather was bad? (perfect + imperfekt) |
Was war....? | What was ....? |
Was wird .......+ infinitive at end? | What will you + infintivie...? |
Wo wirst du nach dem Abitur wohnen? | Where will you live after the LC? (future) |
Wirst du von zu Hause wegziehen, wenn du mit der Schule fertig bist? Warum? / Warum nicht? | Will you move out from home when you are finished secondary school? Why? / Why not? |
Wirst du eine Abifahrt machen? Warum? / Warum nicht? | Will you go on a LC trip? |
Wirst du auf die Abiball gehen? Warum? / Warum nicht? | Will you go to the Debs ball? Why? / Why not? |
Wo wohnen Sie genau? | Where do you live, exactly? (formal, present) |
Woher kommen Sie? | Where do you come from? (formal, present) |
Woher wissen Sie....? | How do you know...? (formal, present) |
Wie kommen Sie zur Schule? | How do you come to school? (formal, present) |
Wie finden Sie die Regeln an dieser Schule? Warum? | What do you think of the rules in this school? (formal, present) |
Wie bereiten Sie sich auf Klassenarbeiten vor? | How do you prepare for class tests? (formal, present, separable) |
Wie haben Sie sich auf..................vorbereitet? | How did you prepare for....? (formal, perfect, separable) |
Warum denkst/meinst/glaubst du das? | Why do you think that? (present) |
Wofür gibst du dein Geld aus? | What do you spend your money on? (informal, present, separable) |
Wofür gibt man sein Geld aus? | What do people spend their money on? |
Wieso sagst du das? | Why do you say that? (informal, singular) |
Warum bist du dieser Meinung? | Why are you of this opinion? (informal, singular) |
Was willst du nach dem Schulabschluss machen? | What do you WANT to do after the LC? (informal, present, modal) |
Was wollt ihr machen/unternehmen/tun? | What do you WANT to do? (informal, plural, modal) |
Wie ist es bei dir zu Hause? | How is that in your home? |
Wie sieht er aus? | What does he/it look like? (present, separable) |
Wie sieht sie aus? | What does she/it look like? (present, separable) |
Wie sieht es für dich aus? | What does it look like for you? (present, sepearable) |
Was wäre Ihr....? | What would (subjunctive, formal) |
Was wäre dein....? | What would (subjunctive, informal) |
Wo würdest du gerne wohnen? | Where would you like to live? (conditional, singular, informal) |
Wo würdet ihr gerne wohnen? | Where would you like to live? (conditional, plural, informal) |
Wo würden Sie gerne wohnen? | Where would you like to live? (conditional, sing/plural, formal) |
Was sind die Vor- und Nachteile von .....? | What are the advantages and disadvantages of....? (present) |
Wohin möchten Sie reisen? | Where would you like to travel to? (subjunctive, formal, sing/plural, formal, modal) |
Möchten Sie eine Zeit im Ausland verbringen? | Would you like to spend time abroad? (subjunctive, singular/plural, formal modal) |
Wie werden wir in Kontakt bleiben? | How will we stay in contact? (future) |
Werden wir per FaceTime kommunzieren? | Will we communicate via FaceTime? (future) |
Wie oft werden wir uns treffen? | How often will we meet? (future) |
Wie oft könnten wir uns treffen? | How often could we meet? (subjunctive, modal) |
Wirst du mich vermissen? | Would/will you miss me? |
Wirst du mir beim Projekt helfen? | Will you help me with the project? |
Bist du dieser Meinung? | Are you of this opinion? (informal, present) |
Sind Sie dieser Meinung? | Are you of this opinion? (formal, present) |
Was machen Sie im Deutschunterricht? | What do you do in German class? (present) |
Was machen Sie am Wochenende? | What do you do at the weekend? (present, formal) |
Was werden Sie am Wochenende machen? | What will you do at the weekend? (future, formal) |
Was haben Sie am Wochenende gemacht? | What did you do at the weekend? (perfekt, formal) |
Wie sieht dein typischer Schulalltag aus? | What is a normal school day like? |
Was machen Sie nach der Schule? | What do you do after school? |
Wenn Sie Direktor dieser Schule wären, welche Regel(n) würden Sie ändern und warum? | If you were principal of this school, which rules would you change and why? (subjunctive, formal + conditional formal) |
Wenn Sie Direktor dieser Schule wären, welche Änderungen würden Sie vornehmen? | If you were principal of this school, which changes would you make? (subjunctive, formal + conditional formal) |
Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen der Schule in Irland und in Deutschland? | What are the differences between school in Ireland and in Germany? (present) |
Haben Sie etwas über die Unterschiede zwischen der deutschen und der irischen Kultur erfahren? | Did you learn about any differences between German and Irish cultures. (formal, perfect) |
Möchten Sie eine Zeit lang in einem deutschsprachigen Land leben? | Would you like to live in a German-speaking country for a while? (subjunctive, formal) |
Erzählen Sie mir von dieser Schule. | Tell me about this school. (formal) |
Wie finden Sie die Einrichtungen in dieser Schule? | What do you think of the facilities in this school? |
Wie sieht die Schuluniform aus? | What does the school uniform look like? (present, separable) |
Möchten Sie als Au-pair arbeiten? | Would you like to work as an au pair? (subjunctive, formal, modal) |
Könnten Sie sich vorstellen, im Ausland zu arbeiten? | Could you imagine working abroad? (subjunctive, formal, modal) |
Sind Sie letztes Wochenende ausgegangen? | Did you go out last weekend? (formal, perfect) |
Wie ist das Wetter? | What is the weather like? (present) |
Wie war das Wetter? | What was the weather like? (imperfect) |
Wie wirst du das schaffen? | How will you manage that? (future, informal, singular) |
Wie wirst du das bezahlen? | How will you pay for that? (informal, singular, future) |
Was machst du bei gutem/schlechtem Wetter? | What do you do in good/bad weather? (present, singular, informal) |
Was hast du bei gutem/schlechtem Wetter gemacht? | What did you do in good/bad weather? (perfect, informal, singular) |
Was wirst du bei gutem/schlechtem Wetter machen? | What will you do in good/bad weather? (future, informal, singular) |
Warum denken Sie so? | Why do you think that? (present, formal, singular/plural) |
Warum denkst du so? | Why do you think that? (present, informal, singular) |
Warum denkt ihr so? | Why do you think that? (present, informal, plural) |
Wie wird es unterstützt? | How is it supported? (present, passive) |
Warum muss man ausziehen? | Why do they have to move out? (present, modal) |
Wie viele Leute haben daran teilgenommen? | How many people took part in it? (perfect, separable verb) |
Wer betreut ........? | Who takes care of ....? (present, inseparable vrb) |
Was ist der Name von.....? | What is the name of...? (present) |
Welche Lösungen werden angeboten? | What solutions are offered? (present, passive) |
Welche Probleme werden diskutiert? | What problems are discussed? (present, passive) |
Beschreiben Sie! | Describe! (formal, singular/plural, imperative) |
Beschreib! | Describe! (informal, singular, imperative) |
Beschreibt! | Describe! (informal, plural, imperative) |
Wie war der Anfang? | What was the beginning like? |
Wie reagiert er darauf? | How does he react to that? (present) |
Wie had er darauf reagiert? | How did he react to that? (perfect) |
Schreiben Sie Sätze in der er-Form! | Write sentences in the he-form. (imperative, formal) |
Schreiben Sie Sätze in der ich-Form | Write sentences int he I - form (imperative, formal) |
Nennen Sie! | Name! (imperative, formal) |
Was bekommt/erhält sie? | What does she get/receive? (present, inseparable) |
Was hat sie bekommen/erhalten? | What did she get/receive? (perfect, inseparable) |
Was wird sie bekommen/erhalten? | What will she get/receive? (future, inseparable) |
Wann findet es statt? | When is it taking place? (present, separable) |
Wann hat es stattgefunden? | When did it take place? (perfect, separable) |
Wann wird es stattfinden? | When will it take place? (future, separable) |
Wann fängt es an? | When is it beginning? (present, separable) |
Wann hat es angefangen? | When did it begin? (perfect, separable) |
Wann wird es anfangen? | When will it begin? (future, separable) |
Wann verlassen sie die Schule? | When do they leave school? (present, inseparable) |
Wann haben sie die Schule verlassen? | When did they leave school? (perfect, inseparable) |
Wann werden sie die Schule verlassen? | When will they leave school? (future, inseparable) |