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Brown vocab_1

Vocab words

sentient power of perception by the senses
implacable not apparent
collude conspire
exonerate clear from guilt
adumbration faint image
obviate anticipate and prevent
cupidity greed,avarice
cogent convincing, believable
disaffection disloyal- politcal
anomie dislocation or alienating society
fealty loyalty
anodyne relieves pain or stress
spurious conterfeit
inimicable harmful
sycophant fawning parasite
perjorative belittling effect
plangent resounding loudly
imprecate to curse
equivocate avoid commitment
audacious brave
laconic using few words
solipsisn theory that only self exists
torpid inactive, sluggish
frivolity without seriousness
servile overly submissive
refute to disprove
presage to predict, foreshadow, augur
reconcile become friendly again
stymie to block, hinder
retrenchment cutting back expenses
impunity exemptment from punishment
abrograte abolish officially
fatuous silly foolish
redolent fragrant
indelicate tactless
egregious flagrant, glaring in bad way
axiomatic self-evident
exigency urgency
histrionic overly dramatic
puerile silly, immature
inexorable unyielding
imperturbable calm
coherts associates
indolent lazy
somnolent half-asleep
sordid filthy
tacit understood
tenuous thin
trenchant keen wit, incisive
abysmal bottomless
abase humiliate
galvanize to stir up, stimulate by shock
hiesute hairy
iconcoclastic attacking cherished traditions
imminent new, impending
inchoate elementary
lascirious lustful
offal garbage, waste
pecuniary pertaining to money
peripatetic moving, walking about
misogynist hater of women
quell to quiet
recidivism habitual return to crime
rescind cancel
sardonic sarcastic
saturinine gloomy
scurrilous obscene, indecent
simian monkey-like
scrupulous conscientious, extremely thorough
licentious perverted, wanted
unsavory morally offensive
truculent hostile
remunerate rewarding
quintessence highest embodiment
recant repudiate
Created by: MeganDif
Popular SAT sets




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