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AP Gov - Chap. 15

A stack to practice the terms of Chapter 15.

Interest groups voluntary associations for people who come together with the goal of getting the policies that they favor enacted
Social movement diffuse groups that educate the public and put pressure on policymakers in an effort to bring about societal change
Theory of participatory democracy the belief that citizens impact policy-making through their involvement in civil society
Civil society groups outside the government that advocate for policy
Pluralist theory a theory that political power is distributed among many competing groups, which means that no single group can grow too powerful
Elitist theory a theory that the wealthy elite class has a disproportionate amount of economic and political power
Policy agenda the set of issues to which govt officials, voters, and the public are paying attention
Collective action political action that occurs when individuals contribute their energy, time, or money to a larger group goal
Collective good also called a public good; a public benefit that individuals can enjoy or profit from, even if they do no help achieve it
Free riders individuals who enjoy collective goods and benefits from the actions of an interest groups without joining
Selective benefits benefits available only to those who join the group
Economic interest groups groups advocating on behalf of of the financial interests of their members
Public interest groups groups that act on behalf of the collective interests of a broad group of individuals
Single-issue groups associations focusing on one specific area of public policy, often moral issue about which they are unwilling to compromise
Government interest groups organizations acting on behalf of local, state, foreign govt
Lobbying interacting with government officials in order to advance a group’s public policy goals
Revolving door the movement of individuals between positions in government and lobbying positions
Amicus curiae brief a brief filed by someone who is not a party to a case in an attempt to persuade the Court to agree with the arguments set forth in the brief
Iron triangle the coordinated and mutually beneficial activities of the bureaucracy, Congress, and the interest groups to achieve policy goals
Issue network the webs of influence between interest groups, policymakers, and policy advocates
Grassroots lobbying mobilizing interest group members to pressure their representatives by contacting them directly through phone calls, email, and social media
Protest a public demonstration designed to call attention to the need for change
Civil disobedience intentionally breaking a law to call attention to an injustice
Created by: EmberM
Popular American Government sets




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