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5A español 2

Entreculturas 2

las invitaciones invitations
aburrirse to become bored
comunicarse to communicate with each other
conectarse (a las redes sociales a internet)
divertirse to have fun
encontrarse to meet each other
hacer planes to make plans
pasar tiempo con to spend time with
picar (comida) to nibble or eat small bites
reunirse to get together
verse to see each other
compartir to share
para invitar a alguien to invite someone
¿Qué tal si...? How about if...?
¿Quieres salir conmigo el...(viernes)? Do you want to go out with me on...(Friday)?
¿Te gustaría ir al/ a la... conmigo? Would you like to go to ... with me?
Estaba pensando en I was thinking about...
¿Quisiera ir a ...? Would you like to go to...?
Quisiera invitarlo/a... I would like to invite you...
Tengo muchas ganas de + infinitive I feel like...
para aceptar una invitación to accept an invitation
¡Chévere! ¡Vamos! Cool! Let's go!
¡De acuerdo! I agree!
¡Me gustaría!/ ¡Me encantaría! I would like to! I would love to!
¡Sí por supuesto!
para rechazar una invitación to reject an invitation
Muchas gracias pero...
Qué pena pero no puede ir. What a pity/shame but I can't go.
Lo siento pero estoy ocupado/a I am sorry but I am busy
Me gustaría pero lamentablemente no puedo porque tengo que...
Te agradezco mucho pero ya tengo otros planes I appreciate it but I already have other plans
para confirmar to confirm
Nos encontramos en... We can meet at (place)...
Nos vemos a las... We will see each other at...
¡Hasta entonces! Until then!
Yo puedo pasar por tu casa a las... I can pass by your house at...
los destinos destinations
La bolera; la pista para bolos bowling alley
El estadio stadium
Una exposición de arte/ fotografía an art/photography exhibit
Una galería de arte an art gallery
Ver una obra de teatro to watch a play
las actividades al aire libre outdoor activities
Broncearse to tan
Bucear to scuba dive
Escalar en roca/ montaña to go rock/mountain climbing
Esquiar to ski
Hacer kayaking to go kayaking
Hacer snowboarding to go snowboarding
Hacer senderismo to hike
Hacer surf/ surfear to surf
Mirar/ Ir a un partido de to watch/go to a match/game of ___
Montar en bicicleta de montaña to ride a mountain bike
Se necesita is needed
Se puede one can
Aprendí que I learned that
Pienso que I think that
Es un buen lugar para una aventura de... It is a good place for an adventure...
Me aburrió It bored me
Me fascinó It fascinated me
Me encantó I loved it
(No) me gustó I (didn't) like it
Estuvo chévere It was cool
Era (I
Había THERE was
Hacía I was (weather)/ (I
Estaba feliz was happy
Estaba emocionado(a) was excited
Estaba preocupado(a) was worried
Anoche last night (preterite)
Ayer yesterday (preterite)
La semana pasada last week (preterite)
Esta tarde this afternoon (preterite)
Esta mañana this morning (preterite)
El año pasado last year (preterite)
A menudo often (imperfect)
A veces sometimes (imperfect)
Frecuentemente frequently (imperfect)
Nunca never (imperfect)
Siempre always (imperfect)
Todos los días every day (imperfect)
Todo el tiempo all the time (imperfect)
Un poco a little (imperfect)
Created by: geraghtyd
Popular Spanish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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