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R6 - French Verbs
Term | Definition |
avouer | to confess (admit a crime) |
chasser | to hunt |
creuser | to dig |
effacer | to erase; to wipe; clean |
entreposer | to store [sth]; to put in storage; |
envahir | to invade |
envisager | to consider something; to contemplate |
être debout | to stand (be in standing position) |
garer | to park |
gommer | to erase |
gonfler | to inflate something |
grogner | to grunt |
menacer | to threaten |
parvenir | to reach; achieve |
pêcher | to fish |
piller | to pillage; to loot; |
ramasser | to pick up; gather; collect |
relier | to connect |
remporter | to win something (a prize, title) |
s'apprêter | to get ready; to get prepared |
se tenir | to stand (be in standing position) |
s'effondrer | to collapse (fall to pieces; to get demolished) |
traîner | to drag |
viser | to aim for something |
voler | to fly |