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Physiology Ch. 29


Embryogenesis Fertilized egg completes meiosis II. Large cell now undergoes mitosis
Egg is usually fertilized in the _____ of _____. Ampulla, uterine tubes
Totipotent Stem cells that have the capacity to develop into any cell or membrane. These are the cells from early mitosis from ovum.
_____ maintains contraction of uterus sm where uterine tubes enter it. Estrogen
______ stops uterus from contracting so ovum can implant. Progesterone
Blastomeres Totipotent cells from mitosis of ovum
Morula 16 cell state of oocyte (mitosis is occuring). Develops fluid-filled blastocyst cavity
Blastocyst Contains trophoblast, inner cell mass, and central fluid-filled cavity. Cells from mitosis drift to poles at embryo and become destined to nerves/muscles/etc. Morula becomes this when sodium channels open and cells fill with fluid.
Cleavage Series of mitotic division. This forms blastomeres
Trophoblast Outer ring of cells surrounding blastiocytic cavity; will form chorion -> placenta. Releases enzymes to embed in uterus.
Embryoblast Packed cells within one side of blastocyst that will form embryo proper. Cells become pluripotent -> able to develop into any TISSUE
At implantation, the trophoblast Differentiates into two layers (cytotrophoblast and syncytotrophoblast)
At implantation, cells of inner cell mass (embryoblast) Differentiate into two layers (hypoblast and epiblast). Will become embryo proper
Week 2 Week of tubes
Implantation occurs at Day 7-9
Syncytiotrophoblast From trophoblast, produces hCG to maintain corpus luteum. Ensures implantation. Outer multinucleated zone without distinct cell boundaries => cells are fused together
Mesoderm Formed from bilaminar embryonic disc. Forms all ct
Ectoderm Epidermis, CNS, and PNS formed from it. Epiblast forms it
Endoderm Epithelium in GI, hypoblast forms it.
Hypoblast Layer of small cuboidal cells adjacent to the blastocyst cavity
Pluripotent Cells that can develop into any TISSUE
Compaction Process by which contact between cells is increased to the maximum
Epiblast Layer of columnar cells adjacent to the amniotic cavity
Bilaminar embryonic disc Hypoblast and epiblast
Trilaminar embryonic disc Formed from bilaminar during gastrulation
Extraembryonic membranes Protects embryo and assists in nutrition, gas exchange, and removal of waste. Formed around week 3-4
Amnion Type of extraembryonic membrane that forms amniotic sac; inner. Fills with fluid to cushion embryo
Chorion Type of extraembryonic membrane that forms placenta, formed by cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast. Is outermost
Connecting stalk Becomes umbilical cord
Placenta Feto-maternal organ. Protection, nutrition, respiration, excretion, hormone production. Highly vascular, using umbilical vein and artery
______ is completely embedded in ______. Conceptus, endometrium
Umbilical vein Transports OXYGENATED blood from uterine maternal artery to embryo
Umbilical artery Transports DEOXYED blood from embryo to placenta (maternal uterine vein)
Chorionic villi Formed from chorion, in placenta. Contains branches of umbilical vessels for GAS EXCHANGE.
Fetal side border of placenta Chorionic plate
Maternal side border of placenta Decidua basalis. Where implementation takes place.
Intervillous space Maternal blood fills spaces between chorionic villi for gas exchange. Within placenta.
There is normally_______ between mom and baby's blood; placenta membranes _____. No mixing, imperfectly protect
______ can cross placenta membranes. Immunoglobin G (IgG)
Amniocentesis Testing amniotic fluid
Concentrations of progesterone and estrogen _____ throughout pregnancy. Increase
HPL Produced by trophoblast cells of placenta to make more glucose available for baby (makes less insulin happen)
Relaxin Produced by placenta, relaxes blood vessels and tendons of mom for better birth
HCT Thyroid hormone of placenta to increase metabolic rate of mom
CRH Promotes fluid retention and edema. Aldosterone is increased in mother. Role in length of pregnancy and timing of childbirth
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone Nipples and areola darken. From anterior pituitary
During pregnancy, CO ____, RR ____, venous return ____. Increases, increases, decreases because of baby
Parturition Events that occur to prepare for childbirth
Connexins Sm cells synthesize these during last few weeks of pregnancy. Are proteins that form gap junctions so myometrium can do coordinated contractions during L&D
Stages of true labor Dilation, expulsion, placental
True labor is incited by Mom and baby's oxytocin -> makes placenta secrete prostaglandins
Dilation stage Regular contractions
Expulsion Starts with complete dilation of cervix, ends with childbirth
Crowing Baby's head appears
Episiotomyu Where the vagina is cut so baby can get out
Placental stage After birth, uterus continues to contract to deliver placenta
Lactation Prolactin makes milk, estrogen for secretion of milk
Lactogenesis Production and secretion of milk from mammary glands 1) Ducts w/ few alveoli exist 2) Early preg- alveoli multiply 3)Mid-alveoli enlarge and require lumen 4) Lactation, alveoli dilate 5) Regression after wearning
Colostrum Initial secretion of mammary glands. Contains IgA for bby immunity
Milk letdown Release of breast milk in response to oxytocin. Positive feedback
Lactation ____ ovulation. Inhibits
Created by: RunningMads
Popular Physiology sets




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