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American Gov Quiz 5

How why is voting central to our founding? We withdraw authority from bad leaders through elections
What are the 3 expansion waves in voting? Suffrage for non-wealthy white men, suffrage for women, Civil Rights/Vietnam War
Rationale for suffrage for non-wealthy white men Revolutionary War
Why did black voting not significantly increase after the Civil War amendments? Jim Crow era
What DID increase black voting rates? Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act
What are the two main costs of voting? Informational costs and tangible costs
What are informational costs? Time, energy spent accumulating information
What are tangible costs? Gas to get to the polls, time off from work
Theories on why people vote Civic duty, expressive value, social bonds
Civic duty I value democracy, democracy doesn’t exist without voting
Expressive duty I value the outcome, I vote to affirm my attachment to that outcome
Individual Factors in voting Duration of time in location, Strength of partisanship, Trust in government, Age, Race, Education, Income, Gender?
Institutional Factors More onerous restrictions gone (Poll taxes/Literacy tests), Registration laws, Early voting, Mail-in ballots, Voter ID
People Don’t Vote Because... They can’t, they don’t want to, nobody asked (Campaigns, election officials, social networks)
Examples of heuristics Partisanship, social groups, salient issues, media, candidate characteristics
Salient issues some issues become very important and one candidate/party is evaluated more favorably on it
Media can shape Which issues are more salient, focus attention on some candidates more than others
Retrospective voting is shaped by Economic considerations (unemployment/prices), security, disruptions to daily life
Prospective voting is shaped by Trajectory of the economy, campaign promises
Why are campaigns the biased storytellers? Help voters overcome the information gap, provide voters tools to turn out and vote
Why are campaigns pragmatic? They don’t need to win over everyone, engage in both persuasion and turnout
What are goals of campaign? Getting out the message, cultivating a positive candidate image, gaining media attention, attacking the opposition
public financing create greater equality but less freedom
private financing create less equality but more freedom
Hard money Raised by candidates, subject to some limits and reporting requirements
Soft money Raised by “independent” groups (ex: political parties), no reporting or limits
When does Money Matter? where there is less money
Popular American Government sets




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