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anemia an/emia deficiency of blood
angiography angio/graph/y process of taking a recording of the vessels
arrhythmia a/rrythm/ia irregular heartbeat
ascites accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
asystole a/systole absence of a heart beat
bradycardia brady/card/ia slow heart rate
cardiology cardi/o/logy study of the heart
cardiomyopathy cardio/myo/pathy diseases state of the heart muscle
diastolic diastol/ic relaxation phase of the heartbeat
electrocardiography electr/o/cardi/o/graph/y electrical recording of the heart
erythrocyte erythro/cyte red blood cell
hematoma hemat/oma blood bruise
hemolysis hem/o/lysis destruction of the red blood cell
hyperemia hyper/emia increased blood supply
hypertension hyper/tension increase in the pressure exerting on the vessels; high blood pressure
hypotension hypo/tension decrease in the pressure exerting on the vessels; low blood pressure
ischemia isch/emia lack of circulating blood to a local area
myocardium myo/card/ium heart muscle
pericarditis peri/card/itis inflammation around the heart
phlebitis phleb/itis inflammation of a vein
synchronous syn/chron/ous happening at the same time
systolic systol/ic contraction phase of the heartbeat
tachycardia tachy/card/ia fast heart rate
thrombus thromb/us pertaining to a blood clot
vascular vas/cular relating to a small blood vessel
BP blood pressure
CHF congestive heart failure
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CRT capillary refill time
DCM dilated cardimyopathy
ECG electrocardiogram
HR heart rate
IC intracardiac
IV intravenous
MI myocardial infarction
Created by: kylee.chapin
Popular Veterinary sets




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