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All Verbs in Lists
Question | Answer |
caerse | to fall |
dañar | to damage |
darse con | to bump into |
doler | to hurt |
estornudar | to sneeze |
lastimarse | to injure |
olvidar | to forget |
recetar | to prescribe |
romper | to break |
torcerse | to sprain |
toser | to cough |
apagar | to turn off |
funcionar | to work |
prender | to tun on |
sonar | to ring |
abrazar | to hug |
ayudar | to hel |
besar | to kiss |
encontrar | to meet |
saludar | to help |
borrar | to erase |
chatear | to chat |
descargar | to download |
escanear | to scan |
grapar | to record |
guardar | to save |
imprimir | to print |
arrancar | to start |
arreglar | to fix |
bajarse de | to get out of |
esacionar | to park |
llenar | to fill |
parar | to stop |
revisar el aceite | to check the oil |
subirse de | to get into |
contratar | to hire |
entrevistar | to interview |
ganar | to earn |
obtener | to obtain |
solicitar | to apply |
dejar | to quit |
despedir | to fire |
inertir | to invest |
renunciar | to resign |
tener éxito | to be successful |
aburrirse | to get bored |
aplaudir | to applaud |
apreciar | to appreciate |
dirigir | to direct |
esculpir | to sculpt |
hacer el papel | to play the role of |
pintar | to paint |
presentar | to present |
tocar | to play |
anunciar | to announce |
comunicarse con | to communicate |
durar | to last |
informar | to inform |
transmitir | to broadcast |
declarar | to declare |
elegir | to elect |
luchar | to fight |
obedecer | to obey |
votar | to vote |