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FrenchVocab Set4

French Vocab A-Z Set 4

rapport, le relationship; report
détente, la relaxation
décontracté/e relaxed
religion, la religion
religieux/-euse religious
fête religieuse, la religious holiday
propos, le remark
remarié/e remarried
remède, le remedy
rappel, le reminder
rénové/e renovated
loyer, le rent
location, la renting
reportage, le report (esp. news)
exposé, l’ (m.) report, talk
réputation, la reputation
obligatoire required
recherche, la research
réservation, la reservation
réservé/e reserved
résidentiel/le residential
sonore resonant, sonorous
ressource, la resource
responsabilité, la responsibility
repos, le rest
restaurant, le restaurant
restauration, la restaurant business, catering
résultat, le result
resurrection, la resurrection
retraite, la retirement
retour, le return
revue, la review, journal
recompense, la reward, award
rythme, le rhythm
riz, le rice
droite, la right
mûr/e ripe
risque, le risk
rite, le rite, ritual
rituel, le ritual
fleuve, le river
rôti, le roast
rosbif, le roast beef
robot, le robot
rock, le rock music
rôle, le role, part
petit pain, le roll
pellicule, la roll of film
patin à roulettes, le roller skate
théâtre romain Roman theater
toit, le roof
salle, la room
coloc(ataire), le/la roommate, housemate
racine, la root, origin
rose, la rose (flower)
rosé, le rosé wine
vin rosé, le rosé wine
brouillon, le rough draft
rond/e round
pain de campagne, le round loaf of bread
routine, la routine
tapis, le rug
rugby, le rugby
règle, la ruler
rural/e rural
camping-car, le RV
triste sad
voile, la sail, sailing
salade, la salad, lettuce
salaire, le salary
solde, la sale
vendeur/euse, le/la sales clerk
représentant/e de commerce, le/la sales representative
saumon, le salmon
sel, le salt
même same; even
sandale, la sandal
sandwich, le (sandwichs, les) sandwich
satellite, la satellite
samedi Saturday
sauce, la sauce
choucroute, la sauerkraut
savane, la savannah
saxophone, le saxophone
scanner, le scanner
science, la science
science-fiction, la science fiction
scientifique scientific
générique, le screen credits
scénario, le screenplay, script, scenario
sculpteur, le sculptor
sculpture, la sculpture
mer, la sea
poissonnerie, la seafood shop
bouillabaisse, la seafood stew
moteur de recherche, le search engine
saison, la season
deuxième, le second
secondaire secondary
secrétaire, le/la secretary
sécurité, la security
faut see falloir
Voyons ! See here! / Let's see...
maux see mal
yeux, les (m.) see œil
vaut see valoir
ces seece
semestre, le semester
semi-voyelle, la semivowel, glide
semoule, la semolina
Sénégal, le Senegal
sénégalais/e Senegalese
sensible sensitive
phrase, la sentence
sentimental/e sentimental
septembre September
succession, la sequence, succession
feuilleton, le series, soap opera
grave serious
sérieux/-euse serious
serveur/euse, le/la server (in restaurant)
services, les (m.) service sector
service, le service, tip
sept seven
dix-sept seventeen
dix-septième seventeenth
septième seventh
soixante-dix seventy
soixante et onze seventy-one
plusieurs several
couture, la sewing, dressmaking
ton, le shade, tone
On y va ? Shall we go?
shampooing, le shampoo
forme, la shape, form
colocation, la sharing a home
elle (f.) she, her, it
feuille, la sheet of paper; leaf
choquant/e shocking
chaussure, la shoe
Mince ! Shoot!
chariot, le shopping cart
court/e short
petit/e short, small, little
short, le shorts
spectacle, le show
douche, la shower
crevette, la shrimp
timide shy
malade adj. sick
malade, le/la sick person
maladie, la sickness, disease
côté, le side
signe, le sign
indication, l’ (f.) sign, indication
silence, le silence
muet/te silent, mute
soie, la silk
foulard, le silk scarf
semblable adj. similar
depuis quand... ? since when...?
depuis since, when
chanteur/euse, le/la singer
chant, le singing
leçon de chant, la singing lesson
célibataire single
mère/père célibataire single mother/father
monoparental/e single-parent
famille monoparentale, la single-parent family
singulier/-ière singular
sirène, la siren
sœur, la sister
belle-sœur, la sister-in-law
Asseyez-vous ! Sit down!
site, le site
six six
seize sixteen
seizième sixteenth
sixième sixth
soixante sixty
soixante et un sixty-one
patinage, le skating
ski, le skiing
peau, la skin
maigre skinny, thin
jupe, la skirt
ciel, le sky
pantalon, le slacks
argot, l’ (m.) slang
argotique adj. slang
dodo (colloq.) sleep
verglas, le sleet, ice on the ground
tranche, la slice
tartine, la slice of bread
chausson, le slipper
slogan, le slogan
coussinet, le small cushion
carnet, le small notebook
tartelette, la small pie or tart
fume, la smoke
fumé/e smoked
casse-croûte, le inv. snack
snack-bar, le snack bar
alors so; then
sanglot, le sob
football (foot), le soccer
sciences humaines, les (f.) social sciences
assistant/e social, l’ (m./f.) social worker
socialisme, le socialism
sociologie, la sociology
chaussette, la sock
logiciel, le software program
solution, la solution
sombre somber, dark
des pl. some
quelque some
quelqu’un someone
quelque chose something
parfois sometimes
quelquefois sometimes
fils, le son
chanson, la song
bientôt soon
sophistiqué/e sophisticated
désolé/e sorry
spectacle sons et lumières, le sound and light historical production
bruit, le sound, noise
son, le sound, volume
soupe, la soup
source, la source, credit
sud, le south
Amérique du Sud, l’ (f.) South America
Espagne, l’ (f.) Spain
espagnol/e adj. Spanish
espagnol, l’ (m.) Spanish (language)
Parlez plus fort ! Speak louder!
spécialité, la speciality
vitesse, la speed
piquant/e spicy, hot
cuiller, cuillère, la spoon
sport, le sport
centre des sports, le sports complex
brin de muguet sprig of lily of the valley
brin de muguet, le sprig of lily of the valley
brin, le sprig, strand
printemps, le spring
jet, le spurt, spray; jet
espion, l’ (m.) spy
espionage, l’ (m.) spying
pressé/e squeezed; in a hurry
stade, le stadium
escalier, l’ (m.) staircase, stairs
debout standing, on one’s feet
strophe, la stanza
statistique, la statistic
beau-père, le stepfather, father-in-law
belle-mère, la stepmother, mother-in-law
stéréotype, le stereotype
craie, la stick of chalk
nature morte, la still life
encore still, yet, again, another
estomac, l’ (m.) stomach
pierre, la stone
arrêt, l’ (m.) stop
Arrête ! Stop it!
magasin, le store
cuisinière, la stove
tout droit straight ahead
fraise, la strawberry
rue, la street
bal populaire, le street dance
angine, l’ (f.) strep throat, tonsillitis
stress, le stress
stressé/e stressed
fort/e strong, stout
lutte, la struggle; wrestling
têtu/e stubborn
centre étudiant, le student center
studio, le studio apartment
etude, l’ (f.) study
bête stupid
style, le style
modèle, le style; model
sujet, le subject
subjonctif, le subjunctive mood
abonnement, l’ (m.) subscription
subventionné/e subsidized
sous-titre, le subtitle
sous-titré/e subtitled
banlieue, la suburbs
métro, le subway
station de métro, la subway stop
ticket, le subway ticket
succès, le success
sucre, le sugar
valise, la suitcase
résumé, le summary
grandes vacances, les (f.) summer vacation
soleil, le sun
dimanche Sunday
super super
superbe superb
superlatif, le superlative
rayon, le supermarket section, aisle
superstition, la superstition
grande surface, la superstore
souper, le supper
sûr sure
surf, le surfing
surpris/e surprised
surprenant/e surprising
environs, les (m.) surroundings
sondage, le survey, poll
sucré/e sweet (for food)
natation, la swimming
maillot (de bain), le swimsuit
suisse adj. Swiss
Suisse, la Switzerland
symptôme, le symptom
syncopé/e syncopated, irregular (rhythm)
système, le system
tee-shirt, le T-shirt
table, la table
Prenez un stylo ! Take a pen!
grand/e tall
magnétophone, le tape player
tapisserie, la tapestry
goût, le taste, liking
taxi, le taxi
thé, le tea
thé au lait, la tea with milk
enseignant/e, l’ (m./f.) teacher, instructor
enseignement, l’ (m.) teaching
télétravail, le telecommuting (for work)
standardiste, le/la telephone operator, receptionist
télévisé/e televised
tempéré/e temperate
température, la temperature
dix ten
locataire, le tenant, renter
tendance, la tendency
tendre tender, affectionate
tendresse, la tenderness
tennis, le tennis; tennis shoe
tension, la tension; blood pressure
tente, la tent
dixième tenth
terrasse, la terrace
territoire, le territory
merci thank you
grâce à thanks to
cela that
ce jour-là that day
C’est gentil à toi/vous. That’s kind (of you).
les pl. the
avant-hier the day before yesterday
Pays-Bas, le The Netherlands
le ciel est couvert the sky is covered
couvert: Le ciel est couvert. The sky is overcast.
Il fait mauvais. The weather’s bad.
Occident, l’ (m.) the West
la/l’ (f.) the; her, it
le/l’ (m.) the; him, it
théâtre, le theater
leurs pl. their
leur their; to them
thème, le theme
puis then
donc then, therefore
y there
Il y a un orage. There is a (thunder)storm.
Il y a des éclairs. There is lightning.
Il y a du tonnerre. There is thunder.
il y a there is/are; ago
il n’y a pas de... there isn’t/aren’t...
là-bas there, over there
ce sont these/they are
thèse, la thesis
ils (m.) pl. they
elles (f.) pl. they, them
eux (m.) pl. they, them
fin/e thin, elegant, delicate
mince thin, slender
chose, la thing
troisième third
soif, la thirst
treize thirteen
treizième thirteenth
trente thirty
trente et un thirty-one
ce week-end this weekend
c'est this/it is
pensée, la thought
mille thousand
ménacé/e threatened
trois three
un cinq-pièces three-bedroom apartment
cinq-pièces, le three-bedroom apartment/house
gorge, la throat
tonnerre, le thunder
jeudi Thursday
ainsi (que) thus, in such a way
billet (d’entrée), le ticket
cravate, la tie
fois, la time
pourboire, le tip
bout, le tip, end
fatigué/e tired
titre, le title
faire du ski (nautique) to (water) ski
accepter to accept
accepter de to accept
accompagner to accompany
ajouter to add
rajouter to add (some) more
admirer to admire
admettre to admit
adorer to adore, love
conseiller to advise
se distraire to amuse oneself
annoncer to announce
répondre (à) to answer
sembler to appear
appliquer to apply (sthg)
apprécier to appreciate
se disputer to argue
ranger to arrange, to tidy up
arriver to arrive
poser une question to ask a question
demander to ask, request
assister à to attend
interdire to ban, to forbid
pouvoir to be able to
s’agir de to be about
s’arranger to be all right
naître to be born
s’appeler to be called
avoir faim to be hungry
s’intéresser (à) to be interested (in)
retard: être en retard to be late
se trouver to be located
avoir mal au cœur to be nauseated
falloir to be necessary
regretter to be sorry, to regret
se méfier to be suspicious
doué/e to be talented
avoir soif to be thirsty
s’intituler to be titled
valoir to be worth
devenir to become
s’ennuyer to become bored
s’énerver to become irritated/worked up
pâlir to become pale
prier to beg, to pray
recommencer (à) to begin again
commencer to begin, to start
démarrer to begin, to start
croire (à, en) to believe
faire partie de to belong to
faire du vélo to bicycle ride
bloquer to block
rougir to blush
embarquer to board (boat)
bouillir to boil
emprunter to borrow
casser to break
respirer to breathe
apporter to bring (an object
emmener to bring someone along
emporter to bring something
se brosser to brush one’s —
se brosser les dents to brush one’s teeth
acheter to buy
appeler to call
se calmer to calm down
attraper to catch
causer to cause
célébrer to celebrate
fêter to celebrate
changer to change
zapper to channel surf
jaser to chatter, prattle (Can.)
cocher to check off
vérifier to check, verify
choisir to choose
citer to cite
nettoyer to clean
grimper to climb up
fermer to close
combattre to combat
combiner to combine
venir to come
communiquer to communicate
comparer to compare
se plaindre to complain
rédiger to compose, write
concerner to concern
condamner to condemn
consister to consist
construire to construct, build
consulter to consult
contenir to contain
contaminer to contaminate
contempler to contemplate
continuer (à) to continue
contribuer to contribute
convaincre to convince
corriger to correct
correspondre to correspond
coûter to cost
tousser to cough
compter to count
couvrir to cover
créer to create
traverser to cross
pleurer to cry
couper to cut
danser to dance
faire de la danse to dance, to study dance
décider (de) to decide
décorer to decorate
déduire to deduce
définir to define
décrire to describe
avoir envie de (+ nom, + inf.)... to desire (something)...
désirer to desire, to want
détester to detest
développer to develop
consacrer to devote
mourir to die
faire/suivre un régime to diet
différer to differ
disparaître to disappear
découvrir to discover
débarquer to disembark
désobéir à to disobey
divorcer to divorce
préparer un diplôme (en) to do a degree (in)
pratiquer to do, to engage in
faire to do, to make
faire du sport to do/play sports
dessiner to draw
tirer (une conclusion) to draw (a conclusion)
rêver (de) to dream
boire to drink
conduire to drive
essuyer to dry
s’essuyer to dry off
doubler to dub
gagner de l’argent to earn money
mériter to earn, merit
manger to eat
s’instruire to educate oneself
terminer to end, to finish
durer to endure, last
effacer to erase
exagérer to exaggerate
dépasser to exceed
exercer to exercise, exert
expliquer to explain
exprimer to express
s’exprimer to express one's self
tomber to fall
retomber to fall again
s’endormir to fall asleep
jeûner to fast
favoriser to favor
priviléégier to favor
se sentir to feel
ressentir to feel, be affected by
trouver to find
finir to finish
préparer le dîner to fix dinner
se coiffer to fix one’s hair,
couler to flow, to run (a liquid)
voler to fly; to steal
suivre to follow
oublier (de) to forget
former to form
geler to freeze
fonctionner to function
grossir to gain weight
faire du jardinage to garden
s’entendre (avec) to get along (with)
avoir des bons rapports avec qqn to get along well with sb
se fâcher (contre) to get angry (at, with)
s’habiller to get dressed
se fiancer to get engaged
s’informer to get information
se renseigner to get information
se marier to get married
se réunir to get together
se lever to get up
s’habituer à to get used to
donner to give
offrir to give (a gift)
retourner to go back
descendre to go down
aller à la pêche to go fishing
Created by: peace and love
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