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Anatomy of Bones

Ch 6: Anatomy of Bones- Pt 3

What is the structure of compact bone made up of? Osteons or Haversian systems and elongated cylinders
What does compact bone look like? It looks like tree growth rings
What is an osteon? Tiny weight bearing pillars
What does each layer of an osteon represent? One lamella
What is compact bone made up of? Lamelllae
What is another name for compact bone? Lamellar bone
What is lamella? matrix tubes (rings) where collagen runs one way and alternates direction for the next lamella (adds strength)
What does the lamella make the osteon? A twister resister
What is the central canal? The opening for blood vessels and nerve fibers
What is another name for the central canal? Haversian canal
What is are Volkman’s canals? They connect blood vessels and nerve fibers throughout bone
What is another name for Volkman’s canals? Perforating canals
In what direction do Volkman’s canals run? Perpendicular to long axis of bone
What are osteocytes? Mature bone cells
What is the lacunae? Spaces where osteocytes “live” in bone tissue
What are the canaliculi? Canals that connect lacunae, tie all osteocytes together (nutrient, waste)
What is circumferential lamella? It extends around the circumference of the diaphysis
What helps long bones resist twisting? Circumferential lamella
Where are trabeculae found in spongy bone? Along lines of stress
What helps bone resist stress in spongy bone? Trabeculae found along lines of stress
What connect irregular lamellae and osteocytes in spongy bone? Canaliculi
What are irregular lamellae? There are no osteons
What are organic components? Bone cells and osteoid (organic matrix)
What do organic components do? Resist tension (stretch )
What are inorganic components? Mineral salts
What do inorganic components do? Resist compression (make strong)
What makes up bone matrix? Ground substance and collagen fibers
What are sacrificial bonds? They are between collagen land break easily to prevent fractures
What happens when these bonds break? Energy is dispersed (like race cars)
What is 65% of the bone mass made up of? Hydroxy apatites (mineral salts) and calcium phosphates (crystals) found around collagen in matrix
What do minerals provide the bone with? Its hardness
What does the proper combination of organic and inorganic matrix elements allow for? Bones to be durable and strong
What would happen if you removed all of the inorganic components? The bone would soften
Would the bone be able to resist compression if its inorganic components were removed? No
Would the bone be able to resist tension if its inorganic components were removed? Yes
Which cell in the bone acts to break down the bone matrix? Osteoclasts
What oranganelle would be the likey source of the enzymes that can digest bone matrix? Lysosomes
Created by: user-1776703
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