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Vocabulario 2CD
Question | Answer |
la broma/el chiste | joke |
el cariño | affection |
el chisme | gossip |
la cita/la cita a ciegas | date/blind date |
la confianza | confidence/trust |
el conflicto | conflict |
la culpa | the blame/guilt |
el consejo | advice |
el divorcio | divorce |
el malentendido | misunderstanding |
la mentira | lie |
la opinión | opinion |
la pelea | fight |
el problema | problem |
la resolución | solution |
el respeto | respect |
el secreto | secret |
los sentimientos | feelings |
el/la tramposo/a | cheater |
la verdad | truth |
abrazar | to hug |
adorar | to adore |
amar | to love |
apoyar | to support |
ayudar | to help |
besar | to kiss |
burlarse de | to make fun of/mock |
casarse | to marry/get married |
cambiar | to change |
chismear | to change |
cometer un error | to make a mistake |
comprometerse | to get engaged |
coquetear/flirtear | to flirt |
decir | to say |
dejar de hablar a | to stop talking to |
dejar plantado | to stand (someone) up/no show |
disculparse | to apologize |
divorciarse | to get divorced |
engañar | to cheat on/to deceive |
enamorarse (de) | to fall in love with |
estar harto/a de | to be sick of |
guardar los secretos | to keep secrets |
gritar | to yell/shout |
hacer caso | to pay attention |
escuchar | to listen to |
hacer las paces | to make peace |
herir (e-ie) (e-i) | to hurt/injure |
ignorar | to ignore |
impresionar | to impress |
insultar | to insult |
invitar | to invite |
llamar | to call |
llorar | to cry |
maltratar | to mistreat |
mostrar (o-ue) | to show |
molestar | to bother/annoy |
odiar | to hate |
ofender | to offend |
oír | to hear |
olvidarse | to forget |
pedir perdón | to ask for forgiveness |
perdonar | to forgive |
proponer | to propose |
quejarse | to complain |
rechazar | to reject |
reconciliarse | to make up |
resolver | to resolve |
respetar | to respect |
romper con | to break up with |
separarse | to separate |
sentirse | to feel |
estás equivocado/a | you are wrong |
esto es el colmo | that is the last straw |
ya no aguanto más | i can't take any more |
yo no fui | it wasn't me |
lo siento | i'm sorry |
olvidate de él/ells | forget about him/her |
saludos | greetings |
sinceramente | sincerely |
un beso/besos | kisses |
un abrazo/un fuerte abrazo | a big hug |
con cariño | affectionately/with affection |
mil gracias | thank so much/thanks a million |