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Civics test

A confederation under the article, success under article

constitution (small c) A document on how government works, and what they can or cannot do
Legislature A part of government that can make & pass laws (elected group)
Bicameral A two - house legislature (upper & lower)
Unicameral A one house legislature
Executive A part of government with the power to enforce laws (branch) (one elective) governor, president, prime minister
Bill of Rights A list of rights the government promises to protect, & not take away (The bill of Rights was the first 10 amendments)
Simple majority One more than 1/2 of the total votes
Voting rights 1770s Own certain amount of land and pay a certain amount of tax
Articles of Confederation Our nations first constitution/government
Confederation government A loose alliance of independent states
Voting under AOC 1 state = 1 vote
Super majority When some number of votes greater than a simple majority it requires to pass a law/vote (9/13 required - Congress under The Articles of Confederation)
Foreign Affairs Dealing with or working with Foreign Nations
Territory Land that is part of the US, but not a state yet
US Territories Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa
Radify To officially approve a law on legal document (treaty)
Can do: Congress can make laws But: 9/13 votes to pass laws (super majority vote) But: No tax laws (can't for states to contribute $) But: No trade laws (can't regulate or control trade state to state or with foreign nations
Continued, congress can make laws But: No executive branch (can't enforce laws meaning states do not have to follow the laws) But: No judicial branch (can't settle disputes between states to raise)
Can do: Declare way and appoint military officers But: No standing army or navy (must ask the states to raise)
Can do: Print and coin money But: So can the states (14 different currencies)
Can do: Responsible for Foreign Affairs But: Responsible for paying war debt, (the states owe 77.2 million to England, France, Spain and Netherlands in 1783)
Can Do: Make treaties with foreign nations But: No trade deals (only state can)
A 13 states
B US territories
C North West territory
D Ohio river
E Appalachian mountains
North of the US Great lakes (5 circles), Canada owned by England
West of the US Spanish Louisiana
South of the US Spanish Florida
East of the US Atlantic Ocean
Success under the articles Turning territories into states or creating new states
OSSS O: Organize (Land) territory S: Sell (Land) territory S: Settle (Land) territory S: State hood
Two laws that the constitution wrote Land ordnance since 1785 North West ordnance since 1787
Ordinance A law dealing with land
What effect would those laws do Turning territories into states
North West territory 5 smaller territories - Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin
Township 6 mile by 6 mile square piece of land (town)
Sections 1 mile by 1 mile square of land (36 in total)
Veteran Someone who is currently or has served in the military
1m 640 acres
The government set aside what? 5 sections for veterans & they can buy land by the acre less than $1
What are free landowning votes? white men, over 21, own land, pay taxes
Population 0-5000 free landowning votes Congress provides: 1 territorial governor (executive branch) 3 territorial judges (judicial branch) *congress makes laws for the territory (Legislature)
Population 5000-60,000 free landowning votes Territory elects their own legislature (makes laws for themselves) (meaning congress no longer doesn't) Sends/non-voting delegate to congress to represent the territory (does ask jobs of a member of congress just can not vote a new law)
Population passes 60,000 free landowning votes The territory can apple to congress for statehood
Congress votes to approve... 1. Proof of 60,000+ landowners 2. Write a state constitution 3. Write a state bill of rights
What does the new state have? New state has the same rights, responsibilities, and privileges as the original 13 states. VT becomes the 14th state in 1791
Two economic problems It is difficult to trade with other states/ foreign nations (14 different currencies) The Congress isn't allowed to tax states so it has no ways of getting resources
Two foreign nations problem The British Soldiers refusing to leave the Ohio River Spain blocking the ports of New Orleans
Disputes between states New York and New Hampshire claiming Vermont
Created by: mihikul
Popular American Government sets




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