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¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa?
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El Restaurante

SPN 3 Unit 3

¿Cuál es la especialidad de la casa? What is the specialty of the house?
Me puede traer... Can you bring me...
el cliente client, customer
camarero, mesero server
Y para comer/beber and to eat/drink..
buen provecho enjoy your meal
muy amable very kind
muy atento very attentive
gracias por atenderme thank you for your service
la cuenta the bill/check
la propina tip/gratuity
el caldo broth
la chuleta de cerdo pork chop
el entremes/ los entremeses appetizers
la especialidad specialty
el filete a la parrilla grilled steak
el flan flan/custard
el gazpacho cold tomato soup
la paella traditional rice and seafood dish
el plato vegetariano vegetarian dish
el pollo asado roasted chicken
el té tea
la cuchara spoon
el cuchillo knife
la servilleta napkin
el tenedor fork
el vaso glass
batido/a beaten/whipped
cocido/a cooked
crudo/a raw
frito/a fried
hervido/a boiled
mezclado/a mixed
molido/a ground/powdered
a la izquierda de to the left of
a la derecha de to the right of
delante de ahead of
detras de behind of
cerca de near/close to
lejos de far from
abajo de/debajo de underneath
al lado de next to/ beside
arriba de above
enfrente de in front of
encima de on top of
algo something/ anything
nada nothing
alguien someone/ anyone
algun/a/os/as some, any
ningun,ninguno, ninguna none, not any
siempre always
nunca never
tambien also, too
tampoco neither, not either
o...o either...or neither...nor
el plato hondo bowl
Created by: user-1579771
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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