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Capitulo 1-4 Vocab

asistir (a) to attend
escuelas particulares private schools
el olor the smell
mariscos seafood
parece que it seems that
los sacerdotes the priests
postre the dessert
la Guerra Civil the Civil War
aceitunas olives
charlar to chat
contigo with you
esperar to wait
divertirse to have fun
hacer caso a to pay attention to
agarrar to grab (aggresively)
una toalla a towel
reir to laugh
boletos de sombra tickets in the shade
¡De ninguina manera! No way!
matar to kill
¡Adivina què! Guess what!
aún even
luchar to fight, to struggle
valiente brave
pálida pale
pelear to fight
redonda round
detestar to detest
bella(o) beautiful
perseguir to chase, to pursue
adorar to adore
cuernos horns
dentro de poco soon / in a bit
ruido noise
coraje courage
hacia towards
espada sword
brillar to shine, to sparkle
dorado golden, gold-colored
El alcalde mayor
una capa a cape
asientos seats
por lo menos at least
quedarse to stay, to remain
extraño/a strange
quitarse to take off (clothing)
pegar to strike, to hit
el sondio the sound
cansarse to get tired
de nuevo again
plata silver
en vez de instead of
soportar to tolerate
la sangre blood
Created by: user-1783396
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