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Reproductive Terms

Reproductive and Genetic Terminology

Abortion premature expulsion of a fetus, either by nature or intent
Afterbirth placenta and fetal membranes expelled from uterus in parturtion
Albino genetic trait causing lack of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises of the eye
Alter to neuter a male animal or spay a female animal
Artificial insemination introduction of semen into the uterus by other than natural means
Billy goat male goat
Bitch female dog
Boar male pig
Breed (n.) group of related animals similar enough to produce similar offspring
Breed (v.) to supervise the sexual propagation of animals
Brood offspring from one hatching of a bird's eggs
Broody hen sitting on eggs
Buck male deer, goat, rabbit, or kangaroo
Bull male of various large mammals especially cattle
Bullock castrate bull or steer
Calf bovine younger than one year
Capon neutered rooster
Castration removal of the testicles; neutering a male animal
Cesarean section removal of unborn young by surgical incision into the uterus
Chick young bird, especially a chicken
Chromosome bodies within the cell nucleus that store genetic information
Clutch group of eggs laid at one time by a bird
Cob male swan
Cock male chicken older than one year
Cockerel male chicken younger than one year
Colostrum protein- and antibody-rich milk secreted by the mother after giving birth
Colt male horse before maturity
Congenital condition existing at birth but not hereditary
Cow female of various large animals, especially cattle
Cygnet young swan
Dam female parent
Doe adult female goat or dear
Drake male duck
Duckling young duck
Embryo undeveloped fetus; the young in an early stage of development
Estrus time of reproductive cycle when the female is receptive to mating
Ewe female sheep of breeding age
Fertilization union of the sperm and egg
Fetus unborn developing animal
Filly female horse under four years old
Fledgling young bird just learning to fly
Foal young or newborn horse
Gander male goose
Gelding neutered male horse
Gene part of chromosomes carrying hereditary information
Genitalia part of the reproductive anatomy
Gestation period time between conception and birth of an offspring
Gilt young female pig
Gobbler male turkey
Gosling young goose
Gravid pregnant; containing developing young
Heat estrus condition
Heifer young cow
Hereditary transmissible from parent to offspring; genetically determined
Inguinal hernia protusion of tissue through inguinal canals of males
Jack male donkey; jackass
Jenny female donkey
Kid young goat
Kitten young cat
Lamb young sheep
Litter several offspring from one birth, especially in mammals
Mammary glands glands of female mammals that secrete milk after parturition
Mare female horse four years or older
Miscarriage expulsion of underdeveloped fetus
Monestrous having one estrus period per year
Mongrel mixed-breed dog; a mutt
Nanny goat female goat
Neonate newborn animal
Nest structure made or place chosen for breeding or laying eggs
Neuter removal of the reproductive organs
Nuptial plumage brilliant mating-season plumage exhibited by some birds, usually males
Oviparous animals whose eggs develop outside the mother's body
Ovovivparious animals whose eggs develop within the mothers oviduct
Parturition process of giving birth
Pen female swan
Piglet young pig
Placenta organ within the gravid uterus, expelled after birthing
Polyestrous having more than one estrous period per year
Pouch fold of skin for carrying young on abdomen of female marsupial
Pregnancy condition in which offspring develop in the female uterus
Prepuce protective sheath covering the penis
Pullet female chicken younger than one year
Pup young dog or seal
Queen mature female cat used for breeding
Ram sexually mature male sheep
Rooster male chicken
Shoat pig under one year old
Sire male parent of any quadruped, especially a horse
Sow female pig
Spay to remove the ovaries and uterus; to neuter a female animal
Squab fledgling pigeon
Stag male deer
Stallion male horse
Steer Neutered bull
Stud male horse used for breeding
Tom male cat or turkey
Umbilical cord vessel connecting the fetus to the placenta
Vagina female passage for copulation and birthing
Viviparous giving birth to live young developed in the uterus
Vixen female fox
Wether neutered ram or billy goat
Whelp (v.) giving birth to, said especially of dogs
Created by: tsimon033
Popular Veterinary sets




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