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L1M3.1 IR Vocab
Question | Answer |
la serie de netflix | netflix series |
cantamos | we sing |
canto | I sing |
voy | I go |
no voy | I don't go |
mi rutina | my routine |
me levanto | I get up |
me acuesto | I go to bed |
ceno | I have dinner |
desayuno | I have breakfast |
durante la semana | during the week |
por la mañana | in the morning |
por la tarde | in the afternoon |
por la noche | at night |
estudio | I study |
personaje | character |
estrella | star |
una joven | a young woman |
para | for, in order to |
puedo enviar | I am able to send/I can send |
somos | we are |
bailamos | we dance |
bailo | I dance |
serio, seria | serious |
travieso, traviesa | micheivious |
Tiene | She,he, it has |
tengo | I have |
tenemos | we have |
veo | I see |
estoy | I am |
apodo | nickname |
las tareas | homework |
el verano | summer |
a las siete | at seven |
a las ocho | at eight |