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Nooner's Drugs

Nooner's Trades and Generics

Accutane Isotretinoin
Achromycin Tetracycline
Adalat, Procardia Nifedipine
Advil Ibuprofen
Aldactazide Spironolactone &HCTZ
Aldactone Spironolactone
Aldomet Methyldopa
Allegra Fexofenadine
Alupent Metaproterenol
Amoxil Amoxicillin
Anafranil Clomipramine
Anaprox Naproxen Sodium
Antivert Meclizine
Apresoline Hydralazine
Aristocort Triamcinolone
Atarax Hydroxyzine
Ativan Lorazepam
Atrovent Ipratropium
Augmentin Amoxicillin &Potassium Clavulanate
Auralgan Antipyrine & Benzocaine
Azmacort Triamcinolone
Bactrim, Septra Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim
Beclovent, Beconase Beclomethasone
Benadryl Diphenhydramine
Biaxin Clarithromycin
Bleph-10, Sulamyd Sulfacetamide Sodium
Brethine, Bricanyl Terbutaline
Buspar Buspirone
Cafergot Ergotamine Tartrate & Caffeine
Calan, Isoptin Verapamil
Capoten Captopril
Carafate Sucralfate
Cardizem, Dilacor Diltiazem
Catapres Clonidine
Ceclor Cefaclor
Ceftin Cefuroxime
Chlortrimeton Chlorpheniramine
Cipro Ciprofloxacin
Claritin Loratadine
Cleocin Clindamycin
Clinoril Sulindac
Clomid Clomiphene
Cloxapen Cloxacillin
Colace Docusate Sodium
Cogentin Benztropine Mesylate
Colestid Colestipol
Compazine Prochlorperazine
Corgard Nadolol
Cortisporin Neomycin, Polymixin B, Hydrocortisone
Coumadin Warfarin
Cozaar Losartan
Crixivan Indinavir
Cytoxan Cyclophosphamide
Dalmane Flurazepam
Darvocet-N Propoxyphene Napsylate & Acetaminophen
Darvon Propoxyphene
Decadron Dexamethasone
Deconamine Chlorpheniramine & Pseudoephedrine
Demerol Meperidine
Depakene Valproic Acid
Depakote Divalproex Sodium
Desyrel Trazodone
Diabinese Chlorpropamide
Diamox Acetazolamide
Diflucan Fluconazole
Dilantin Phenytoin
Dilaudid Hydromorphone
Dimetapp Brompheniramine & Phenylpropanolamine
Diprosone Betamethasone
Disalcid Salsalate
Ditropan Oxybutynin
Donnatal Belladonna Alkaloids & Phenobarbital
Dulcolax Bisacodyl
Dyazide Triamterene & HCTZ
Dymelor Acetohexamide
Dynapen Dicloxacillin
Ecotrin Enteric-coated Aspirin
E.E.S., EryPed Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate
Effexor Venlafaxine
Elavil Amitriptyline
Elixophyllin Theophylline
Empirin/Codeine Aspirin/Codeine
E-Mycin, Ery-tab Erythromycin base
Entex PSE Guaifenesin & Pseudoephedrine
Equagesic Meprobamate & Aspirin
Equanil, Miltown Meprobamate
Eryc Erythromycin base
Esidrix HCTZ
Eskalith, Lithobid Lithium Carbonate
Estrace Estradiol (micronized)
Estraderm Estradiol (transdermal
Feldene Piroxicam
Feosol Ferrous Sulfate
Fer-In-Sol Ferrous Sulfate
Fergon Ferrous Gluconate
Fioricet Butalbital, Caffeine, Aspirin
Flagyl Metronidazole
Flexeril Cyclobenazaprine
Flonase, Flovent Fluticasone
Gantanol Sulfamethoxazole
Glucophage Metformin
Glucotrol Glipizide
Gyne Lotrimin Clotrimazole
Halcion Triazolam
Haldol Haloperidol
Hygroton Chlorthalidone
Hytrin Terazosin
Ilosone Erythromycin Estolate
Ilotycin Erythromycin base
Imitrex Sumatriptan Succinate
Imodium Loperamide
Imuran Azathioprine
Inderal Propranolol
Indocin Indomethacin
Intal, Nasalcrom Cromolyn Sodium
Isopto Carpine Pilocarpine
K-Dur, K-tab, Micro K, Slow-K Potassium Chloride
Keflex Cephalexin
Kenalog Triamcinolone
Fiorinal Butalbital, Caffeine, Aspirin
Isordil Isosorbide Dinitrate
Klonopin Clonazepam
Lanoxin Digoxin
Lasix Furosemide
Leukeran Chlorambucil
Levothroid Levothyroxine
Librax Chlordiazepoxide & Clidinium
Librium Chlordiazepoxide
Lioresal Baclofen
Lithotabs Lithium Carbonate
Lomotil Diphenoxylate/Atropine
Lopid Gemfibrozil
Lopressor Metoprolol
Lotrimin Clotrimazole
Lotrisone Clotrimazole & Betamethasone
Luride Sodium Fluoride
Maxzide Triamterene & HCTZ
Medrol Methylprednisolone
Mellaril Thioridazine
Metaprel Metaproterenol
Mevacor Lovastatin
Micronase, DiaBeta Glyburide
Minipress Prazosin
Minocin Minocycline
Monistat, Micatin Miconazole
Motrin, Advil Ibuprofen
MS Contin Morphine Sulfate
Mycelex Clotrimazole
Mycolog II Nystatin/Triamcinolone
Mycostatin Nystatin
Mysoline Primidone
Naprosyn Naproxen
Nasalcrom Cromolyn Sodium
Nasalide, AeroBid Flunisolide
Neurontin Gabapentin
Nicoderm Nicotine (transdermal)
Nilstat Nystatin
Nitro-Bid Nitroglycerin
Nitro-Dur Nitroglycerin (transdermal)
Nitrostat Nitroglycerin
Nolvadex Tamoxifen
Norpace Disopyramide
Norpramin Desipramine
Norvasc Amlodipine
Orinase Tolbutamide
Ornade Chlorpheniramine & Phenylpropanolamine
Pamelor Nortriptyline
Parafon Forte DSC Chlorzoxazone
Paxil Paroxetine
Pediazole Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate & Sulfisoxazole
Pen-Vee K, Veetids Penicillin VK
Percocet Oxycodone/Acetaminophen
Percodan Oxycodone/Aspirin
Periactin Cyproheptadine
Persantine Dipyridamole
Phenergan Promethazine
Pravachol Pravastatin
Prelone Prednisolone
Premarin Conjugated Estrogens
Prilosec Omeprazole
Prinivil, Zestril Lisinopril
Prolixin Fluphenazine
Proventil, Ventolin Albuterol
Provera Medroxyprogesterone
Prozac Fluoxetine
Pulmicort, Rhinocort Budesonide
Pyridium Phenazopyridine
Questran Cholestyramine
Quinaglute Quinidine Gluconate
Reglan Metoclopramide
Restoril Temazepam
Risperdal Risperidone
Ritalin Methylphenidate
Robaxin Methocarbamol
Rogaine, Loniten Minoxidil
Selsun Selenium Sulfide
Septra, Bactrim Sulfamethoxazole & Trimethoprim
Serax Oxazepam
Sinequan Doxepin
Slo-Phyllin, Slo-bid Theophylline
Soma Carisoprodol
Stelazine Trifluoperazine
Sudafed Pseudoephedrine
Sulamyd, Bleph-10 Sulfacetamide Sodium
Symmetrel Amantadine
Synthroid Levothyroxine
Tagamet Cimetidine
Tavist Clemastine Fumarate
Tegretol Carbamazepine
Tenormin Atenolol
Terazol Terconazole
Tessalon Benzonatate
Theo-Dur Theophylline
Thorazine Chlorpromazine
Tigan Trimethobenzamide
Timoptic Timolol Maleate
Tofranil Imipramine
Tolectin Tolmetin
Tolinase Tolazamide
Transderm-Nitro Nitroglycerin (transdermal)
Tranxene Chlorazepate
Trental Pentoxifylline
Trilafon Perphenazine
Tylenol w/Codeine Acetaminophen/Codeine
Valisone Betamethasone Valerate
Valium Diazepam
Vanceril, Vancenase Beclomethasone Dipropionate
Vasotec Enalapril
Velosef Cephradine
Ventolin Albuterol
Viagra Sildenafil
Vibramycin Doxycycline
Vicodin Hydrocodone & Acetaminophen
Voltaren Diclofenac Sodium
Wellbutrin, Zyban Bupropion
Xanax Alprazolam
Xylocaine Lidocaine
Zantac Ranitidine
Zaroxolyn Metolazone
Zestril, Prinivil Lisinopril
Zithromax Azithromycin
Zocor Simvastatin
Zoloft Sertraline
Zovirax Acyclovir
Zyprexa Olanzapine
Zyrtec Cetirizine
Created by: nooner
Popular Pharmacology sets




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