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test 1

med term

prefix beginning of a word to influence meaning
prefix indicates location, time, number sometimes direction, quantity, size, amount
Prefixes are ____________ added to the beginning of a word to influence the meaning of that term. sometimes
suffix always at the end
suffix indicates procedure, condition, disorder, disease
. combining vowels used when... -suffix begins with consonant -when combining 2 word roots
-a noun
-e noun
-um noun
-us noun
-y noun
ab- away
ad- toward
-algia pain
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
ather/o plaque
cyan/o blue
dextro right
-dynia pain
dys- bad
-ectomy surgical removal
erythr/o red
ex- out
eu- good
fissue groove/crack
fistula abnormal passage
-gram picture
hyper- excessive
hypo- deficient
in- in
inter- between
intra- within
-itis inflammatoin
leuk/o white
-malacia softening
malaise discomfort
mega- large
megalo- large
-megaly enlargement
melan/o black
micro- small
my/o muscle
myel/o spinal cord/bone marrow
-necrosis tissue death
oligo- scanty
-ologist specialist
-ology study of
-osis abnormal condition
-ostomy creating artificial opening
-otomy incision
palpation examine by touch
palpitation pounding heart
-plasty surgical repair
poli/o gray
post- after
pre- before
pyel/o renal pelvis
-rrage bleeding, abnormal
-rraphy suture, repair
-rrhea flow
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
-scopy visual examination
sinistro left
-stenosis narrowing
sub- under
super- above
viral pertaining to virus
virile male qualities
ventral belly side
dorsal back side
anterior front
posterior back
superior upper
inferior lowest
cephalic toward head
caudal toward heard
proximal clower
distal farther
medial midline
lateral from midline
cell basic structure
cytology study of cells
cell membrane tissue surrounding and protecting cell content
nucleus controls cell activity
stem cell unspecialized cell, long life span
somatic pertaining to body
somatic stem cell live in differentiated cells, aid in repair
embryonic stem cell undifferentiated, can give rise to other cell types
genetic disorder hereditary disease from absent defective genes
cystic fibrosis affects respiratory and digestive system
down syndrome intellectual disabilities, chromosome disorder
fragile x syndrome lacking MR1 protein, mental delays
hemophilia clotting disorder
huntington's disorder nerve degeneration, later in life
marfan connective tissue disorder, long and lanky
muscular dystrophy progressive weakness and degeneration
health care professional dr, nurse, etc
allied health professionals xtay phlebotomist, emt
general practitioner ongoing care for all ages
internist internal organ
pediatrician kids
geriatrician old people
np rn w graduate degree
physician assistant liscenced physician working under physician
medical receptionist schedule and register patients
medical assistant admin, clinical test, injection, billing
medical coder review records, assign codes
ER life threatening conditions
emergency physician high acuity medicine
acuity level of severity
EMT pre-hospital
RN assess patients, follow dr order
LPN under dr or RN
certified nursing assistant under RN. basic car
pharmacist dispense medication
icu continued monitored care
intensivist work in ICU
hospitalist general care of hospital patient
telemetry cardiac monitoring
medical/surgeon post-op, low acuity, continued drug monitoring
aden/o gland
adip/o fat
caud/o lower body
end/o within
hist/o tissue
path/o disease
-plaso/o formation, growth
-plasia formation, growth
-cyte cell
Created by: w216320608
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