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Voces 1.4
la familia
Term | Definition |
el padre/papá/papi | father/dad/daddy |
la madre/mamá/mami | mother/mom/mommy |
el hermano | brother |
la hermana | sister |
el abuelo | grandfather |
la abuela | grandmother |
el tío | uncle |
la tía | aunt |
el primo | cousin (male) |
la prima | cousin (female) |
el hijo | son |
la hija | daughter |
el sobrino | nephew |
la sobrina | niece |
el nieto | grandson |
la nieta | granddaughter |
la familia | family |
el padrino | godfather |
la madrina | godmother |
el padrastro | stepfather |
la madrastra | stepmother |
el hermanastro | stepbrother |
la hermanastra | stepsister |
el bisabuelo | great-grandfather |
la bisabuela | great-grandmother |
el perro | the dog |
el gato | the cat |
la mascota | the pet |
la ahijada | goddauther |
el suegro | father in law |
la suegra | mother in law |
el cuñado | brother in law |
el yerno | son-in-law |
la nuera | daughter-in-law |
el ahijado | godson |
bajo(a) | short |
malo(a) | bad |
bueno(a) | good |
joven | young |
flaco(a) | skinny |
guapo | handsome |
pequeño | small |
feo | ugly |
divertido(a) | fun |
aburrido(a) | borring |
enfermo(a) | sick |
enojado(a) | angry |
cansado(a) | tired |
viejo(a) | old |