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FREN 2090

enough assez de
as much, as many autant de
many, a lot of beaucoup de
how many, how much combien de
less, fewer moins de
few, little peu de
more plus de
so much, so many tant de/tellement de
too much trop de
a box, can (a package) of une boîte (un paquet) de
a bottle (a cup, etc.) of une bouteille (une tasse, etc.) de
a spoonful of une cuillerée de
a dozen of une douzaine de
a kilo (a pound, etc.) of un kilo (une livre, etc.) de
a liter of un litre de
a piece of un morceau de
a pair of une paire de
a little un peu de
a slice of une tranche de
when, at what time à quelle heure
when quand
how much combien
how much, how many combien de
how comment
why pourquoi
to have fun s'amuser
to stop s'arrêter
to cut oneself se couper
to manage, get along se débrouiller
to wonder se demander
to relax se détendre
to get angry with se fâcher contre
to worry about s'inquiéter de
to be interested in s'intéresser à
to make fun of se moquer de
to rest se reposer
although bien que, quoique
unless à moins que (+ne)
without sans que
provided that pourvu que
on the condition that à condition que
in order that, so that pour que, afin que
for fear that de peur que (+ne), de crainte que (+ne)
before avant que (+ne)
until jusqu'à ce que
waiting for en attendant que
(ne) no, not any, not a single (stronger than ne... pas) ne... aucun(e)
(ne) hardly, scarcely ne... guère
(ne) never ne... jamais
(ne) neither... nor ne... ni... ni
(ne) nowhere ne... nulle part
(ne) not at all ne... pas du tout
(ne) not yet ne... pas encore
(ne) not either ne... pas non plus
(ne) no one, not anyone, nobody ne... personne
(ne) no longer, not any longer, no more ne... plus
(ne) not (regional/literary french) ne... point
(ne) only ne... que
(ne) nothing ne... rien
(a vs. de) to help aider à
(a vs. de) to have fun s'amuser à
(a vs. de) to learn apprendre à
(a vs. de) to authorize autoriser à
(a vs. de) to have to avoir à
(a vs. de) to begin commencer à
(a vs. de) to consent to consentir à
(a vs. de) to continue continuer à
(a vs. de) to encourage encourager à
(a vs. de) to teach enseigner à
(a vs. de) to get used to s'habituer à
(a vs. de) to hesitate hésiter à
(a vs. de) to be interested in s'intéresser à
(a vs. de) to invite inviter à
(a vs. de) to succeed réussir à
(a vs. de) to insist on tenir à
(a vs. de) to be about s'agir de
(a vs. de) to stop s'arrêter de
(a vs. de) to choose choisir de
(a vs. de) to decide décider de
(a vs. de) to hurry se dépêcher de
(a vs. de) to prevent empêcher de
(a vs. de) to try essayer de
(a vs. de) to finish finir de
(a vs. de) to forget oublier de
(a vs. de) to need avoir besoin de
(a vs. de) to want avoir envie de
(a vs. de) to talk about parler de
(a vs. de) to refuse refuser de
(a vs. de) to regret regretter de
(a vs. de) to thank remercier de
(a vs. de) to dream about rêver de
(a vs. de) to remember se souvenir de
(a vs. de) to try (≠ essayer) tâcher de
(a vs. de) to have just venir de
(a vs. de) to intend to avoir l'intention de
(a vs. de) to be afraid of avoir peur de
(a vs. de) to like aimer
(a vs. de) to go aller
(a vs. de) to intend (≠ avoir l'intention) compter
(a vs. de) to believe croire
(a vs. de) to desire désirer
(a vs. de) to hate détester
(a vs. de) to have to (≠ avoir à) devoir
(a vs. de) to listen écouter
(a vs. de) to hope espérer
(a vs. de) to do faire
(a vs. de) to be necessary falloir
(a vs. de) to think penser
(a vs. de) to be able to pouvoir
(a vs. de) to prefer préférer
(a vs. de) to know (≠ connaître) savoir
(a vs. de) to seem sembler
(a vs. de) to wish souhaiter
(a vs. de) to come venir
(a vs. de) to see voir
(a vs. de) to want to (≠ avoir envie) vouloir
(a vs. de) to order commander*
(a vs. de) to advise conseiller*
(a vs. de) to forbid défendre*
(a vs. de) to ask demander*
(a vs. de) to say dire*
(a vs. de) to write écrire*
(a vs. de) to permit permettre*
(a vs. de) to promise promettre*
(a vs. de) to criticize reprocher*
(a vs. de) to suggest suggérer*
in this way ainsi
standing debout
rather plutôt
probably (≠ probablement) sans doute
willingly volontiers
more or less à peu près
so (≠ alors) tellement
so much tant
as much, so much autant
more (≠ plus) davantage
completely (≠ complètement) tout à fait
the day before yesterday avant-hier
the day after tomorrow après-demain
immediately (≠ immédiatement) aussitôt
right away tout de suite
soon (≠ tot) bientôt
before, formerly autrefois, auparavant
suddenly soudain
over there là-bas
someplace else ailleurs
inside dedans
underneath dessous
on top dessus
nowhere nulle part
somewhere quelque part
scarcely à peine
to go away s'en aller
to see apercevoir
to realize s'apercevoir
to expect s'attendre à
to suspect se douter de
to bother ennuyer
to be bored, get bored s'ennuyer
to hear entendre
to get along (with) s'entendre (avec)
to be worried (≠ s'inquiéter) s'en faire
to pity plaindre
to do without se passer de
to complain se plaindre de
to account for rendre compte de
to realize se rendre compte de
to serve servir
to use se servir de
to deceive, to cheat on tromper
to be mistaken se tromper
to begin se mettre à
to come into view apparaître
to seem paraître
to charm, bribe séduire
to destroy détruire
to build construire
to hold tenir
to hold back retenir
to describe décrire
to join/sign up for s'inscrire à
to surprise surprendre
to be better valoir mieux
to be worth the trouble valoir la peine
to disappoint decevoir
to notice, see apercevoir
to displease déplaire
to entertain recevoir
(partitive vs. definite) to admire admirer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to adore adorer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to like (a lot) aimer (bien): definite
(partitive vs. definite) to hate détester: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to prefer préférer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to buy acheter: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to have avoir: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to drink boire: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to ask demander: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to give donner: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to eat manger: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to take prendre: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to sell vendre: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to admire admirer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to adore adorer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to like (a lot) aimer (bien): definite
(partitive vs. definite) to hate détester: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to prefer préférer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to buy acheter: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to have avoir: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to drink boire: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to ask demander: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to give donner: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to eat manger: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to take prendre: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to sell vendre: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to admire admirer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to adore adorer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to like (a lot) aimer (bien): definite
(partitive vs. definite) to hate détester: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to prefer préférer: definite
(partitive vs. definite) to buy acheter: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to have avoir: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to drink boire: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to ask demander: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to give donner: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to eat manger: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to take prendre: partitive
(partitive vs. definite) to sell vendre: partitive
(preceding) ancien former
(preceding) certain particular
(preceding) cher dear
(preceding) dernier final (the last one)
(preceding) grand great
(preceding) même same
(preceding) pauvre unfortunate
(preceding) prochain next time (in a series)
(preceding) propre own
(preceding) seul only
(following) ancien ancient
(following) certain sure (a sure man)
(following) cher expensive
(following) dernier previous
(following) grand large
(following) même very (the very idea!)
(following) pauvre poor
(following) prochain next (coming up); the coming year; ≈ approaching
(following) propre clean
(following) seul solitary
delighted ravi
disappointed déçu
astonished étonné
surprised surpris
Created by: sh568
Popular French sets




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